Woman’s Life Chapter: Have fun, do good works

Girls just want to have fun’and help others, too.
Woman’s Life Chapter 828- Ortonville was formed in November. The group invites area women to join them at their next meeting, ‘Night at the Oscars,? planned for 6:30 p.m., Feb. 19, at 1360 Merkle, Ortonville.
Brigitte Todd, a Groveland Township resident and member of the new chapter, said Woman’s Life is a fraternal organization, similar to Knights of Columbus, which promotes charity and good works. Woman’s Life Insurance Society was founded by a 25-year-old teacher, Bina West, in 1892. According to womanslife.org, the organization’s mission is to ‘connect women with other women who care, giving women a special place to belong and a close community of friends, with the unparalleled opportunity to make a difference together for the causes important to them.?
‘This is only going to be our third meeting’I am excited,? said Todd. ‘I thought it would be a good fit for our area and I know a lot of people who are involved in a lot of things.?
Todd explains that members of Woman’s Life join for a $50 fee and membership has benefits including being reimbursed up to $150 annually for co-pays on women’s health services including Pap smears, mammograms and colonoscopies. But the major benefit of membership is that Woman’s Life contributes money for each member into a chapter’s bank account, to be used for whichever charities the group selects.
For example, if the group hosted a bake sale with proceeds to be given to a chosen charity, Woman’s Life will match up to $500 in funds raised.
At their first meeting in November, the members of Woman’s Life Chapter 828, Ortonville, brought food donations for the Ortonville Community Emergency Fund and enjoyed wine, cheese and crackers together. Last month, they learned about King Cake during Mardi Gras night, and gave donations to Mary’s Mantle, a pregnancy support center.
This month, members will bring donations of pet food to donate to North Oakland Animal Help, a non-profit based in Ortonville that assists low-income families in providing food for their pets.
Todd and the members of the group also have plans to support numerous other organizations including Relay for Life, the Oakland County Fair and Operation Good Cheer’all while having a good time as friends.
‘Being so busy, I never make time to go have fun with the girls and this forces me once a month to go have fun with the girls,? Todd said. ‘We are getting out and doing things and making it purposeful at the same time. Come and bring your friends.?
All meetings will be hosted locally at member’s homes, or possibly churches or business establishments.
For more information, call Brigitte Todd at 248-819-2243.