$1.2 million for school technology

Clarkston schools is spending the last of its $78-million capital-improvement millage from 2003 on technology.
Ceiling-mounted multi-media projectors, mounts, and cabling in classrooms across the district, 444 of them, cost $637,642. The projectors will display computer output, DVD and VCR video, and television. They will also link to electronic whiteboards, gameshow-type clickers, and document cameras.
The project was awarded to low bigger Digital Age Technologies of Davison, with electrical work awarded to Stewart Electric of Saginaw for an additional $79,686. It is funded by $600,000 from the bond funds and $100,000 from Durant funds. Installation should be complete by the end of September
The district’s computer Server Consolidation And Virtualization Project was awarded to Mainline Information Systems of Waterford for $488,952. The new system consolidates servers on several computers, designed to use a tenth the power of standard desktop networks.