Congrats Evald Jorgensen

People like Evald S. Jorgensen are the lifeblood of volunteer-driven organizations.
They keep everything running smoothly. They never ask for any credit. And they always put others? needs ahead of their own.
Jorgensen’s tireless efforts and selfless devotion have kept the Oxford Senior Citizens going strong for the last 15 years.
As a reward for his countless hours and hands-on leadership, the 77-year-old Oxford Township resident was recently named Michigan Senior Citizen of the Year in the ‘service provided to others? category.
A plaque will be presented to Jorgensen during an Aug. 15 awards program at the Michigan State Fair in Detroit.
‘It’s quite something. Hard to believe,? said the soft-spoken and humble Jorgensen. ‘I didn’t realize I did that much. I did more than I thought.?
About a year after moving here from Detroit in 1989, Jorgensen became involved in the Oxford Senior Citizens group, which meets regularly at the Oxford Veterans Memorial Civic Center. Within a few years, he was elected the group’s president, a position he still holds to this day.
‘I want to stay busy,? said Jorgensen, who’s also served as an usher at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Orion since the early 1990s. ‘When I retired, I didn’t want to sit down in a chair and die.?
He spent 38 years doing trouble-shooting work for a company that poured cement basements. Son Greg Jorgensen, also of Oxford, recalled his dad worked seven days a week to support his eight children.
Doing most of the shopping, cooking, cleaning and organizing, Jorgensen is always there to ensure the senior group’s meals, social activities and other events go off without a hitch. He even assists other seniors with various errands and is always quick to offer a ride home.
‘I do not know what motivates a person to move from being self-centered to other-centered, but my dad’s life shows ample evidence that he has done so,? Greg said. ‘It is enough for dad to see a need and fill it in service to others.?
‘It seems that he draws a great deal of satisfaction from a job well done and serving his fellow man,? Greg noted.
Jorgensen also works closely with township officials to make sure renovations and repairs to the Civic Center are done in a timely manner so as to avoid future problems.
‘I shudder to think of what types of senior citizens programs and activities we would have to offer if it was not for Mr. Jorgensen and his exemplary service,? said Oxford Township Treasurer Joe Ferrari, who nominated him for the award.
Working anywhere from 30 to 40 hours a week, Ferrari said Jorgensen is basically ‘a volunteer senior citizen director.?
‘Many communities, if not most, pay a staff person to lead their senior citizen programs,? the treasurer said. ‘In these strained budgetary times, a volunteer like Mr. Jorgensen is a true blessing and a gift.?
Greg suspects his dad’s incredibly strong work ethic comes from having grown up on a farm in Minnesota, working sunup to sundown.
When the Jorgensens? Detroit home needed more space to accommodate the growing family, Greg recalled his dad pulled up some floor boards and dug an entire basement by hand. ‘He carried the buckets of dirt up himself.?
‘He well deserves it,? said wife Jean Jorgensen of her husband’s award. ‘He’s such a modest man. He never thinks that what he does is important.?
When news of the honor was announced to the seniors last week, Jean said ‘everybody cheered? and noted ‘it’s about time.?
‘It’s about time? was son Greg’s sentiment as well. ‘He’s worked so hard for so many years.?
What’s truly amazing is that Jorgensen is able to devote so much time to serving others despite the health issues facing his wife and himself.
Being wheelchair-bound, Jean relies heavily on her husband for everything from transportation to doctor’s appointments to doing household chores. He’s never out of reach with her.
Never one to let his wife or fellow seniors down, Jorgensen doesn’t allow his emphysema, carpel tunnel, high blood pressure and occupational hearing loss get in the way of his responsibilities to others.
‘He’s a wonder,? Jean said.
‘I don’t know where he finds the time. He’s an inspiration,? Greg said.
But Jorgensen admitted he couldn’t do all that he does without the constant help and support of his fellow senior volunteers and the group’s board members.
If it’s true ‘the world runs on volunteers? as Jean said, then Oxford’s lucky to have the one and only Evald Jorgensen.