End-of-life issues topic of May 28 seminar

Lewis E. Wint and Son Funeral Home hosts Future Care Choices Seminar, 6:30-8:30 p.m., May 28, at Fountains Golf & Banquet, 6060 Maybee Road.
Topics at the free seminar include legal, medical, and financial planning issues, end-of-life decision-making goals, power of attorney, hospice care and resources, patient rights, estate planning and tax issues, funeral preplanning, Medicaid issues, living wills, and advance directives.
Speakers will be psychologist Dr. John Canine of Maximum Living Consultants, Inc., End of Life Planning; Attorney Dennis M. Kacy of Kacy & Associates, Living Trusts, Power of Attorney; Dr. David Machnacki, Patient Rights and Advocacy, Hospice, Pallative Care; Certified Public Accountant Norman L. McKee of McKee & Company, P.C., Estate Planning; and Connie Glynn of Lewis E. Wint and Son Funeral Home, Funeral Prearrangement.
The seminar includes a question-and-answer period. Attendees will receive an information folder.
To register, call 248- 625-5231 or e-mail wintfuneralhome@aol.com. Seating is limited.