Accuses Leader of using column to promote campaign

Dear Mr. Sherman,
I am forwarding a letter to the editor and also inquiring if you will be giving all the candidates equal unlimited press or is that reserved only for certain candidates. I understand an opinion column ? but C.J. Carnacchio is now a candidate and I find it very hard to believe that the Oxford Leader continues to allow this type of underhanded campaigning.
C.J., you continue to give advice on how people should and could win a campaign ? door to door, club meetings, government meeting, flyers, signs, ? out meeting people telling them your platform, etc. etc. YET ? the paper endorses not those people ? but people who did little to nothing. It is the do as I say but not as I do theory.
Many people are sick of the paper bashing candidates to clear the path for the slanted view of the Oxford Leader. BUT ? this time the paper crossed the line of ethics by allowing the editor of the paper to abuse his position and run his campaign with his source of unlimited print. How moral is that?
I am hoping you will at least print my enclosed letter attached to this email.
Sue Bellairs,
Oxford Township
Publisher’s Note: We will not only run the letter, we shall state the newspaper’s official stance.

Dear Oxford Leader and Editor,
Although it could be my kiss of death ? I just can’t hold it in any longer.
When is the editor of this paper ? yeah you CJ ? going to start playing by the rules that the rest of us have to play by?
The Oxford Leader should be ashamed. Why are they allowing the editor of the paper ? who just happens to be running for Oxford Township Treasurer ? to use this paper as his personal tool to bring down his opponents?
Oh yeah ? CJ, no longer cub reporter ? but Editor ? a person who definitely understands the word ‘deadline? ? YET ‘mistakenly? misses the deadline to pull his name off the ballot!!!
Wink, wink?.. Snort, snort?.. Wink, wink
CJ, I hope you don’t ‘accidentally miss? the deadline to report your in-kind Leader contribution to the Election Finance Department. Campaign advertisements come at a premium as you well know.
Anybody who legally went to the trouble to see his name in print on the ballot is a candidate no matter what line of hogwashy told to the contrary. Candidate CJ is now an open political target unless the paper continues to coddle and protect him while he tramples over his competition.
I’m not sure what personal vendetta CJ has against Joe Ferrari but couldn’t he at least fight like a man on an equal playing field? At the very least couldn’t he stick to the issue of job performance instead of abusing his power of print for personal gain and special agendas?
For once and for all the sexual harassment case against Ferrari was DROPPED BY THE COURT. CJ would like readers to believe otherwise. On almost any given day since he was first elected, Ferrari is working and available in the office ? like he promised he would be ? rare for this township. He is doing the job we elected him to do and doing it well.
Anything a board member does must be approved by a quorum of a 7 member board. This is far different than a newspaper. A Supervisor is just one equal vote ? but it appears that an Editor is a one man show allowed to cross all lines of morality and legality to get what he wants.
CJ told people who signed his petition that he was pulling his name if any other viable candidate ran AND that it didn’t matter if you signed both his and Ferrari’s petition. Both have proved to be untrue. Doesn’t he consider the other candidates viable?
Joe Ferrari has proven he wants the job and is willing to work for it. My vote will be for Ferrari ? not one of the masses who decided to run at the last minute because they got caught up in the path of the pompous Pied Piper Prince of the Press.

Oxford Township