Oxford post master retires to teach biology

When most people retire, they spend time pursuing hobbies, traveling the world, doing volunteer work or simply puttering around the house.
Not Joe Wilson. He went back to college to pursue his dream of becoming a high school biology teacher.
‘I’ve wanted to teach ever since I can remember,? said the 55-year-old Livonia resident, who retired from his position as Oxford’s post master Aug. 29.
Before he took charge of the Oxford Post Office in May 2001, Wilson spent 24 years in various management positions with the U.S. Postal Service.
His assignment in Oxford was by far his favorite.
‘I enjoyed being post master of Oxford very much,? he said. ‘I have a lot of good memories from Oxford that’s for sure.?
It’s the people, both hard-working employees and friendly customers, that made this ‘wonderful town? so special to Wilson.
‘I was fortunate to have a lot of good people working for me. It made the job easy,? he said. ‘I always enjoyed meeting and talking with the customers.?
But we all have to move on eventually.
Cushioned by the postal pension he spent 31 years building, Wilson decided he could finally afford to pursue his dream of teaching, yet still support a family, which includes his wife of 12 years, Pat, and their two daughters, Gina, 5, and Ella, 2.
So, on the very day little Gina started kindergarten, Wilson went back to the University of Michigan’s Dearborn campus to earn his teaching certificate.
‘I need about another year’s worth of credits,? he said.
Wilson already has a bachelor’s degree in anthropology and a Master’s of Business Administration from U-M Dearborn.
The main reason he stayed so long with the post service was because the pay was better than in education.
‘I’ve always wanted to teach, but the pay for teachers wasn’t that good,? he said.
Once he earns his teaching certificate, Wilson’s hoping to land a job close to home.
‘I’d like to teach in the Livonia school district,? he said. ‘Right now, the jobs are pretty scare for teachers, but I think with my resume, I should be able to land something.?
Even though he’s finally doing what he’s always wanted to do, Wilson will never forget Oxford or its people.
‘I’m going to miss it,? he said. ‘I already do.?