Addison agrees to rejoin trail council, if conditions are met

It looks like Addison’s rejoining the Polly Ann Trail Management Council ? maybe.
Officials Sept. 15 voted unanimously to rejoin the group, which consists of representatives from Oxford Township and Village, Orion Township and the Village of Leonard, if certain conditions are met by the PATMC.
All that remains is for Addison’s re-entry to final approval from the PATMC. If and when that happens, it would be effective immediately
The 14.2-mile Polly Ann Trail stretches from Bordman Rd. in Addison Township to Indianwood Rd. in Orion Township.
In August 2005, the township broke off its involvement in the trail’s financing and management due to budget cutbacks.
Trustee Ed Brakefield had been meeting with the PATMC about the possibility of Addison returning to the fold and after reviewing the pros and cons, he recommended going back.
Addison’s cost for being in the council depends on a formula. The council combines all the townships and villages in the trail and calculates the dues based on this data.
Before Addison rejoins, the township made it clear the intergovernmental group must agree to the following conditions:
First, PATMC must issue a written statement that Addison joins free from any previous financial obligations. Specifically, the township is not liable for any previous invoices, contracts, obligations, motions or any other obligation of the PATMC prior to the effective of Addison joining.
Second, PATMC gives Addison a $3,000 credit toward dues to rejoin, with the balance of any dues pro-rated to the PATMC fiscal year 2008/2009.
Third, Addison receives two voting seats on the management committee.
Fourth, the PATMC agrees to allow Addison Township to exit or opt out of the PATMC should there be any motions that create a financial obligation to Addison of 1.5 times the dues of the township for that fiscal year.
Fifth and finally, the PATMC commits to a side path for horses for the trail within Addison Township to be completed within a specified time period, not to exceed three years from the date Addison joins the PATMC. Until the side path is completed, horses will be allowed on any portion of the Polly Ann Trail that’s open to horses at this time.