Leonard kids decorate voting booths

For many Americans, Election Day represents waiting in long lines to choose between the lesser of two evils (or to simply vote third party).
Addison Township voters will notice that things will seem a little brighter.
That’s because students in Mr. Robert Murray’s fourth-grade class at Leonard Elementary School recently showed off their artistic talents and decorated the cardboard voting booths.
Among the artwork were eagles, butterflies, dogs, flags and signs that encouraged Americans to get out and vote.
The booths arrived a few weeks ago, said Addison Township clerk Pauline Bennett. These are additional booths. Michigan recommends for the 2008 election that there be one booth per 100 voters.
This is an increase to the voting booths required by election law, Bennett said, adding that the booths were purchased as per state recommendation and with the township budget.
‘These voting booths will aid on election day and keep things running smoothly,? she said.
Bennett added: ‘This was an opportunity to enjoy and encourage youth participation in community and leadership activities. The concept was to have Addison Township students help their community with their artistic ability. Creating something special for Addison seemed the most natural thing to do. Youth involvement is always a good thing.?
Bennett thanked Leonard Elementary, Mr. Murray and his fourth graders for their participation.