Oxford Wildcat Academic Achiever of the Week

Name: Matt Zaun
Parents: Mark and Tambi Zaun
GPA: 3.75
Plans after graduation: Attend Grand Valley State, play college hockey, start job hunt
Extracurricular Activities: varsity hockey, SADD club, NHS, Marching band
Favorite Subject: science, sociology
Outside interests or hobbies: fishing, flying R.C. planes, working on cars and hanging out with friends
Best friends are people who: stand by you through thick and thin and good and bad
When I think of the future I: have a successful occupation and have a happy, healthy family
What most concerns me about the world is: the future of the United States and its relations with other countries.
I’m proudest of: my accomplishments in my sports and school and also of my family and their support
I’ll try to make a contribution by: making the world I entered a better place before I leave so those after me have better opportunities