Input sought for parks/rec. master plan update

Oxford Township’s Parks and Recreation Department is seeking resident input as to the direction it should take over the next five years as it updates its master plan.
‘I have ideas about what I’d like to see, but it’s not my department, it’s the community’s department,? said Parks Director Ron Davis.
That’s why the department is hosting an open forum on Tuesday, March 24 from 7-9 p.m. in the Oxford Public Library’s Rotary Community Room.
‘Give us some feedback, whether it’s pro or con,? Davis said. ‘You can’t make changes unless you know.?
From park facilities to recreation programs, citizens are invited to speak their minds about the current state of the department and what they’d like to see in the future.
‘Do they think we have adequate facilities?? Davis said. ‘Do they want to see us buy additional park land or enhance what we currently have? Or offer more programs? Would they rather see us spend all of our efforts toward Oakwood (Lake Park) and develop that? Or would they like to see fishing piers at Powell Lake Park??
The department’s current master plan expired in 2007, but Davis wanted to wait until his millage was renewed by voters last year before drafting an updated one.
‘I wasn’t going to put the cart before the horse,? he said.
No limits will be placed on this ‘brainstorming? discussion at the library to which community leaders from the township, village and schools have been invited.
‘I just encourage everybody to be a visionary, think out of the box,? Davis said. ‘No idea’s too big. No question’s too small.?
Davis is also hoping lots of residents will take some time to visit and fill out an eight-page on-line survey regarding the parks and recreation system.
Those who fill it out will receive a ‘Very Important Participant? card good for a $5 discount on any parks/rec. program excluding Cedar Point tickets.
The deadline to complete the survey is Friday, April 3.
Davis said the township’s planner, the Ann Arbor-based Carlisle/Wortman, is hoping to have the new master plan for 2010-14 completed around June.
Besides giving the department direction, having a master plan on file is also required when it comes to applying for grants from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.