GM to shut down Orion plant three weeks in April

Once again, the assembly line at Orion’s General Motor’s plant will shutter to a halt.
The plant, which halted production for nearly a month in January, will take a similar break starting March 30 and hopefully get back to work April 20.
According to GM spokesperson Becki Akers-Hopson, the reason for the shutdown is all too obvious for those following the plight of the nation’s largest automaker.
‘We’re trying to better align what we’re building with marketplace demand,? she said.
The Orion Assembly Plant manufactures the Chevy Malibu and the Pontiac G6, popular brands for the declining giant.
But not popular enough in an economy which keeps claiming more casualties everyday.
In September of 2008, GM was optimistic enough to add a third shift at the Orion plant due to the encouraging sales of the two vehicles.
A little more than six months later, the third shift is long gone amd GM’s been bailed out by the federal government. The second three-week shutdown comes at a time when rumors are swirling about GM’s viabilty and possible bankuptcy.