Council chops 4 inches off weed ordinance

Oxford Village’s weed ordinance is about to get four inches shorter.
Last week, council approved the first reading of an ordinance amendment in which the maximum allowable height of weeds and grass in the village will be reduced from 12 to eight inches.
‘Twelve inches is a pretty high weed,? said village Manager Joe Young.
Ordinance Enforcement Officer Dan Durham recommended the reduction so as to give him the ability to approach property owners ‘before their yard is completely out of control.?
Waiting until a property’s grass or weeds grow 12 inches high before the ordinance kicks in is simply too late in Durham’s opinion.
‘By the time we get some action, they may be 14 or 16 inches high,? Durham told council. ‘It is going to enable me to start speaking with them sooner. That’s the biggest advantage.?
The village had expressed an interest in lowering the height limit to six inches, however, Durham believes such a move would be met with ‘a great amount of resistance . . . as people like to let their lawns grow to four inches in summer, particularly during hot weather.?
He said people could ‘be afraid that an extra two inches might happen before they can get it cut.?
Those who refuse to comply with the weed ordinance could end up with a bill from the village.
According to the ordinance, the village is empowered to cut down overgrown weeds or grass and charge the property owner for the labor plus a $25 administrative fee.