Tell school officials firing of b-ball coach was unjust

I couldn’t agree more or say thank you enough to you C.J. Carnacchio for your accurate evaluation of this mess called a Board of Education. Citizens let us hear these words of CJ and take 30 minutes to attend a School Board Meeting and make our thoughts known.
We are allowing a small percentage of us make decisions that we are all forced to live by. Oxford was once a friendly town where neighbors helped neighbors. Where is the loyalty to men that have taken their time to spend with kids to show them the options they will face as adults.
Walt Studinger was my coach while I attended Oxford High School and he assisted in making me the man I am today. Dr. Skilling is the leader of this School District and the final blame rests on his shoulders for this example of disloyalty to outstanding mentors of young people in this community. Citizens let us attend the next School Board Meeting and let Dr. Skilling know just what we think of this injustice. We owe this at least to two wonderful men that have impacted our children in positive ways. Thank you yet again CJ for your efforts in waking up the masses.

Martin Scypinski