Honoring those who sacrificed

Following Monday morning’s Memorial Day parade, the Orion Veterans Memorial hosted a special ceremony at the memorial site to honor fallen soldiers. Dr. Joe Mastromatteo lead the audience in a heart-felt, and sometimes teary, presentation.

Civil War
Thomas Bowers
Daniel Burton
Roswell Campbell
William A. Churchill
Henry C. Fairchilds
Hiram Hemmingway
Webster Adolphus Marsh
Parley Roger
Eugene L. Rose
Charles Soper
Frank Thornley
World War I
Otis C. Brewster
Newell Thomas Charlton
Verne E. Polan
World War II
LaVern H. Becker
J.V. Burns
Chester C. Campbell
Lee F. Carpenter
Clayton Albert Decker
Robert Leland Decker
Edwin R. Dewey
Roger H. Fiebelkorn
Bernard A. Kowalk
Erwin A. Kruse
Marvin F. Lamphier
Julian E. Moore
Charles J. Pettit
Everett Pickering
Anthony F. Sommer
Donald R. Sova
Allan B. Swem
Walter F. Walter
Korean War
James Crossman
Charles Dailey
Ernest C. Fiebelkorn
Edward Wilson Garlick
Harry Pacer
Vietnam War
Raymond L. Whelpley
John A. Wood
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Raymond J. Plouhar

Following Monday morning’s Memorial Day parade, the Orion Veterans Memorial hosted a special ceremony at the memorial site to honor fallen soldiers. Dr. Joe Mastromatteo lead the audience in a heart-felt, and sometimes teary, presentation.

The names of those who lost their lives from Orion are as follows:
Civil War
Thomas Bowers
Daniel Burton
Roswell Campbell
William A. Churchill
Henry C. Fairchilds
Hiram Hemmingway
Webster Adolphus Marsh
Parley Roger
Eugene L. Rose
Charles Soper
Frank Thornley
World War I
Otis C. Brewster
Newell Thomas Charlton
Verne E. Polan
World War II
LaVern H. Becker
J.V. Burns
Chester C. Campbell
Lee F. Carpenter
Clayton Albert Decker
Robert Leland Decker
Edwin R. Dewey
Roger H. Fiebelkorn
Bernard A. Kowalk
Erwin A. Kruse
Marvin F. Lamphier
Julian E. Moore
Charles J. Pettit
Everett Pickering
Anthony F. Sommer
Donald R. Sova
Allan B. Swem
Walter F. Walter
Korean War
James Crossman
Charles Dailey
Ernest C. Fiebelkorn
Edward Wilson Garlick
Harry Pacer
Vietnam War
Raymond L. Whelpley
John A. Wood
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Raymond J. Plouhar