Oxford Wildcat Academic Achiever of the Week

Name: Joelle Harms
Parents: Steve and Lori Harms
GPA: 3.759
Plans after graduation: Attend Ohio University to pursue a degree in sports administration.
Extracurricular Activities: Basketball, National Honor Society, Sudent Council, Captain’s Club
Favorite Subject: marketing (DECA)
Outside interests or hobbies: Going to the playground to swing, drinking smoothies and being with my friends
Best friends are people who: never leave your side, even when you’ve done wrong.
When I think of the future I’m: a happliy married homeowner.
What most concerns me about the world is: The lack of common respect to others.
I’m proudest of: my parents for providing me a wonderful life.
I’ll try to make a contribution by: doing what I can to help those in need.

Name: Bridget Kathleen Schultz
Parents: Tom and Colleen Schultz
GPA: 3.70
Plans after graduation: to attend the Residential College of Arts and Humanities at Michigan State University.
Extracurricular Activities: Student Council, National Honor Society, Sewing Club and tutoring.
Favorite Subject: Graphic Design
Outside interests or hobbies: spending time with my friends and family, dancing and laying by the pool in the summer.
Best friends are people who: will always be by your side when it’s hard to look back and you’re scared to look forward.
When I think of the future I’m: happily married, running my own successful graphic design company.
What most concerns me about the world is: the lack of respect and responsibility students have these days.
I’m proudest of: my family, without their support I would have never been the person I am today.
I’ll try to make a contribution by: always staying involved and being an active member in the Oxford community.

Name: Jesse Hayes
Parents: Susan and Brian Hayes
GPA: 3.735
Plans after graduation: Attend Central Michigan University
Extracurricular Activities: President of the Environmental Club.
Favorite Subject: Art and Journalism
Outside interests or hobbies: Drawing, reading, playing guitar, listening to music
Best friends are people who: you can look at each other and just start laughing and you know the other person is thinking the same thing you are
When I think of the future I’m: graduated from college, have a good job and married
What most concerns me about the world is: the fact that some people just don’t seem to care anymore and have no respect for each other.
I’m proudest of: the fact throughout everything I have stayed true to what I believe and who I am.
I’ll try to make a contribution by: helping people whenever they need it and never turning my back on the people closest to me.

Name: Katherine Bosetti
Parents: Gene and Lorie Bosetti
GPA: 3.75
Plans after graduation: Attend Oakland University for nursing to achieve my masters degree in Nurse Anesthesia
Extracurricular Activities: Track and Field, Marching Band, Student Council, National Honor Society, 4-H.
Favorite Subject: Human Anatomy and Physiology
Outside interests or hobbies: pole vaulting, creating seed art pictures, and hanging out with friends
Best friends are people who: are always there for you and accept you for who you really are.
When I think of the future I’m: working in a hospital, and married with children.
What most concerns me about the world is: that there aren’t enough people that care about current world issues, and that these issues will only become worse in the future.
I’m proudest of: all my accomplishments in academics and athletics.
I’ll try to make a contribution by: helping others in need.

Name: Courtney Marie Williams
Parents: Ron and Sue Williams
GPA: 3.77
Plans after graduation: To attend college and pursue a degree in the criminal justice field
Extracurricular Activities: Playing lacrosse, and working at a local restaurant.
Favorite Subject: Human anatomy and physiology
Outside interests or hobbies: Lacrosse, hockey and baseball, and spending time with family and friends.
Best friends are people who: Are always there for you and can understand what you are going through, and help you out.
When I think of the future I’m: married with children and a successful career person, making the best of every part of my life.
What most concerns me about the world is: The lack of consideration that people have for one another.
I’m proudest of: My accomplishments throughout high school and all of the opportunities I have been given.
I’ll try to make a contribution by: Helping as many people as possible in as many ways as I can.

Name: Margaret Ligon
Parents: Bonnie and Ted Dickens
GPA: 3.969
Plans after graduation: to attend Michigan State then medical school.
Extracurricular Activities: NHS, SADD, Spanish Club, Math Club, Adventure Club, dance at Center Stage Dance Company, Marching Band, and Pit Band.
Favorite Subject: Math and Science
Outside interests or hobbies: dancing, reading
Best friends are people who: stick with you
When I think of the future I’m: loving my job and my family.
What most concerns me about the world is: how society is too worried about being politically correct to concentrate on the important things.
I’m proudest of: what I have achieved in dance and school.
I’ll try to make a contribution by: working hard and helping others.

Name: Sarah Kirkland
Parents: Jim and Ginny Kirkland
GPA: 3.780
Plans after graduation: going to Hope College in Holland, Michigan
Extracurricular Activities: secretary of the Enviro Club, Jazz combo, pit band for the play ‘Annie.?
Favorite Subject: symphonic band and psychology
Best friends are people who: can make fun of you without making you feel self-conscious.
When I think of the future I’m: travelling, and whatever else.
What most concerns me about the world is: some people’s disregard for our planet’s cleanliness (and that Pluto is no longer a planet).
I’m proudest of: my life so far, I’m happy with how I’m living.
I’ll try to make a contribution by: putting forth my best effort in everything I do.

Name: Anthony Sottile
Parents: Rachel and Sam Sottile
GPA: 4.0
Plans after graduation: Attending the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.
Extracurricular Activities: Varsity Ski Team, National Honor Society, Quiz Bowl, Math Club
Favorite Subject: Chemistry
Outside interests or hobbies: Computers, Programming, Inselkampf, Numismatist
Best friends are people who: can be there for you when you need them the most.
When I think of the future I’m: attending the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.
What most concerns me about the world is: the amount of ignorance and lack of initiative.
I’m proudest of: my academic and athletic achievements.
I’ll try to make a contribution by: working to make a difference.

Name: Michael Bedard
Parents: Dan and Amy Bedard
GPA: 3.868
Plans after graduation: Start college at Oakland University, and finish at Walsh College with a Masters of Business Administration.
Extracurricular Activities: National Honor Society, 4-H
Favorite Subject: weight lifting
Outside interests or hobbies: Snowboarding, hunting, paintball, riding dirt bikes and breeding pigs
Best friends are people who: would take a bullet for you.
When I think of the future I’m: optimistic, knowing I will be the best at what I do.
What most concerns me about the world is: Lazy people who do not want to work and contribute to the health of the economy; using their intellect trying to get something for free.
I’m proudest of: putting myself in a good position to face whatever life throws at me.
I’ll try to make a contribution by: hard and honest work, and helping those who need my help.

Name: David Bedard
Parents: Dan and Amy Bedard
GPA: 3.768
Plans after graduation: Attend Oakland University for four years and finish off my schooling at Walsh College, working towards an M.B.A.
Extracurricular Activities: 4-H, National Honor Society
Favorite Subject: swimming
Outside interests or hobbies: Hunting, snowboarding, fishing, dirt bikes, paintball, raising livestock
Best friends are people who: ‘think you are a good egg even if you are half cracked.?
When I think of the future I’m: living a successful life, being in a career I enjoy.
What most concerns me about the world is: The ethical and moral deterioration of the population
I’m proudest of: That all the years of hard work in not only school, but my everyday life have finally paid off.
I’ll try to make a contribution by: setting an example.

Name: Heather Workman
Parents: Michael and Cheryl Workman
GPA: 3.945
Plans after graduation: Attend a university
Extracurricular Activities: Piano, soccer and Adventure Club.
Favorite Subject: English.
Outside interests or hobbies: Music, reading and spending time with friends.
Best friends are people who: make you smile and are always supportive.
When I think of the future I’m: married with children and enjoying a fulfilling career.
What most concerns me about the world is: the impact people have on the environment.
I’m proudest of: my family and friends.
I’ll try to make a contribution by: being a good person and a productive member of the community.

Name: Monica Roller
Parents: Frank and Kristie Roller
GPA: 3.754
Plans after graduation: As of right now I am planning to go to SVSU. I would love to be a nurse so I am going to work hard and get into their nursing program.
Extracurricular Activities: Level 8 gymnast. I train about 18 hours a week. I also do All Star cheerleading. I train four hours a week for cheerleading.
Favorite Subject: Math/AP Calculus
Outside interests or hobbies: Spending time with friends and family. I love spending time outdoors.
Best friends are people who: Best friend are always there for you no matter what. Best friends are someone you can tell anything and know they won’t judge you.
When I think of the future I’m: very nervous but excited. I’m very excited to start living on my own and working. I’m also nervous because of the economy.
What most concerns me about the world is: The economy. So many people are being laid off. I believe that something needs to change. Companies need to start hiring again.
I’m proudest of: being able to keep up with my homework while doing gymnastics and cheerleading. I’m very proud of being able to get good grades and train.
I’ll try to make a contribution by: helping others. I would love to become a doctor or nurse so I can help people and save lives.

Name: Jenifer M. Bizzotto
Parents: Dennis and Glenda Bizzotto
GPA: 3.82
Plans after graduation: I plan to attend a four-year university and begin the journey to a fulfiling career probably in the field of political science
Extracurricular Activities: Marching band, pit band, National Honor Society, Theater Co., Team Captain of Team Munro (Relay for Life), part-time job at Victoria’s Delights, Improv Team
Favorite Subject: AP English
Outside interests or hobbies: Volunteering, reading, W.F.S.s, spending time with friends (in basements), playing and listening to music, spending time with family
Best friends are people who: you can spend altogether too much time with, get sick of, then want to spend more time with.
When I think of the future I’m: Thriving in a successful, meaningful career and traveling the world.
What most concerns me about the world is: the tendency for history to constantly repeat and the persistence of age-old problems in a so-called modern world.
I’m proudest of: the personal accomplishments I have fought so hard for in the face of countless inhibitions; and my family.
I’ll try to make a contribution by: putting the world’s quandaries in the public eye and then working to help correct them.

Name: Mitchell Seeling
Parents: James and Dawn Seeling
GPA: 3.958
Plans after graduation: To attend Michigan State University and pursue a career in dentistry.
Extracurricular Activities: Varsity soccer, varsity basketball, DECA, Math Club, travel soccer, Captain’s Club.
Favorite Subject: Human Anatomy and Physiology
Outside interests or hobbies: Hanging out with friends, sports, going up north with my family
Best friends are people who: Truly know who you are and are always there for you.
When I think of the future I’m: Happily married with children and a successful career.
What most concerns me about the world is: How some people can make decisions and don’t expect there to be consequences.
I’m proudest of: My family for always supporting me in everything I do and pushing me to be the best person possible.
I’ll try to make a contribution by: Making the right decisions in my life, being a good citizen, and to always be supportive of my family and friends.

Name: Kristin Gaines
Parents: Kevin and Darlene Gaines
GPA: 3.916
Plans after graduation: I plan to attend veterinary school to become an equine veterinarian
Extracurricular Activities: I show my horse on the high school’s Equestrian Team. I also show for the American Quarter Horse Association, Michigan Reining Horse Association, and the National Reining Horse Association.
Favorite Subject: Biology III
Outside interests or hobbies: I also enjoy photography, hockey, and hanging out with my friends.
Best friends are people who: are always there for you no matter what has happened. They don’t say ‘I told you so? but rather, ‘What can I do to make it better??
When I think of the future I’m: a happy successful veterinarian
What most concerns me about the world is: the bad economy. It is scary to think that this generation might have problems getting a job.
I’m proudest of: how hard I work in and out of school almost everyday. I am out at the barn taking care of my horse and I still keep my grades up.
I’ll try to make a contribution by: trying to make the community a better place

Name: Brianna Pastewski
Parents: Mike and Robbie Pastewski
GPA: 4.0
Plans after graduation: I hope to attend the University of Michigan
Extracurricular Activities: Lobos Travel Soccer, Varsity Soccer, Girls Swim Team, Student Council, Captain’s Club, Spanish Club, and Marching Band
Favorite Subject: Human Anatomy
Outside interests or hobbies: Playing soccer, hanging out with my friends and family, shopping, going to Starbucks and traveling
Best friends are people who: are there for you when you need them, will stick up for you, and someone who you can laugh and have fun with
When I think of the future I’m: in a successful career that I enjoy, with a loving family
What most concerns me about the world is: the increase in violence within our own country and overseas in places like Africa and the Middle East
I’m proudest of: my family. They have helped me through many tough times and are supporting in everything I do.
I’ll try to make a contribution by: providing help to others who need it, whether it be through knowledge or charity.

Name: Brandon John Parker
Parents: Kris and Jeanette Parker
GPA: 3.861
Plans after graduation: Attend graduate school after graduating from a 4-year engineering school.
Extracurricular Activities: Wrestling, Math Club, National Honor Society
Favorite Subject: AP Physics
Outside interests or hobbies: Watching movies, playing volleyball, and hanging out with my friends or girlfriend.
Best friends are people who: make life better
When I think of the future I’m: eager and optimistic
What most concerns me about the world is: the constant war over religion
I’m proudest of: my team and my coaches. They’ve taken me places I never could have reached on my own.
I’ll try to make a contribution by: working hard and making people smile.

Name: Cidney Fritche
Parents: Mike and Terry Fritche
GPA: 4.0
Plans after graduation: I plan to go to college to study veterinary medicine
Extracurricular Activities: National Honors Society, Equestrian Team, 4-H Club, Driven Youth Ministries
Favorite Subject: Biology and Human Anatomy
Outside interests or hobbies: riding my horse, snowboarding, being involved with my yough group and hanging out with friends.
Best friends are people who: are ‘together forever, never apart. Maybe in distance, but never in heart.?
When I think of the future I’m: living a successful life and married with a family of my own.
What most concerns me about the world is: what it’s becoming.
I’m proudest of: my family for always sticking together and supporting each other with everything.
I’ll try to make a contribution by: volunteering, and helping people in our country and in others.

Name: Erica Alampi
Parents: Marcie and Frank Alampi
GPA: 3.8
Plans after graduation: To attend a college in order to pursue a yet-to-be-determined career.
Extracurricular Activities: National Honors Society, dance, treasurer of SADD, environmental club, Spanish club and marching band.
Favorite Subject: Human anatomy
Outside interests or hobbies: Dance, being a Jonas Brothers fan, reading the Twilight book series and spending time with friends.
Best friends are people who: you can trust to stick by your side through any types of challenges, and spend hours at a time with, laughing and having fun
When I think of the future I’m: married with a family, a successful job, and maintaining my friendships with my close friends from high school.
What most concerns me about the world is: the lack of concern over global warming and the environment.
I’m proudest of: my academic achievements and my friends and family for always being there.
I’ll try to make a contribution by: being a good friend, volunteering in the community, and being a productive member in society.

Name: Dayna Rein
Parents: Jim and Denise Rein
GPA: 3.881
Plans after graduation: To attend Michigan State University.
Extracurricular Activities: SADD, Spanish Club, Math Club, Environmental Club, Adventure Club, NHS, Varsity Track and Field, and Cross Country
Favorite Subject: Math
Outside interests or hobbies: Hanging out with friends and going camping.
Best friends are people who: can always find a way to make you laugh.
When I think of the future I’m: a successful doctor.
What most concerns me about the world is: inconsiderate people.
I’m proudest of: being able to participate in many extra-curricular activities while maintaining good grades.
I’ll try to make a contribution by: giving quality health care as a doctor.

Name: Kate McQuater
Parents: Kathryn and Thomas McQuater
GPA: 3.878
Plans after graduation: working towards my dreams. Step one: university
Extracurricular Activities: Oxford Theater Company (Yeah!), National Honor Society, Improv Team, Rochester Conservatory of Music, and Adventure Clubbin?.
Favorite Subject: AP English
Outside interests or hobbies: Acting, singing, road trips, best friends, baking, board games, my lab partner
Best friends are people who: Tell you the truth that you need to hear. No matter what.
When I think of the future I’m: in love with my husband, my kids, and my job
What most concerns me about the world is: The power of ignorance.
I’m proudest of: my brother, my sister, my parents, my favorite boy and my wonderful girls.
I’ll try to make a contribution by: caring.

Name: Olivia P. Stevens
Parents: Charlie and Maureen Stevens
GPA: 3.886
Plans after graduation: attend college. I have already been accepted to the colleges I wanted. Now I have to make a choice. I also hope to study abroad during college at some point.
Extracurricular Activities: playing Girls Varsity Soccer for OHS, playing soccer for LOGOB/Clarkston Shadows, and volunteer work for National Honors Society.
Favorite Subject: Math
Outside interests or hobbies: I love soccer!
Best friends are people who: don’t jump off the bridge with you but instead are at the bottom to catch you.
When I think of the future I’m: loving my job of choice, a mother/wife and, most important, I’m happy.
What most concerns me about the world is: how easily young adults are influenced by media and their peers.
I’ll try to make a contribution by: putting forth my best effort in everything I do.

Name: Scott Alexander Compau
Parents: Bruce and Shirley Compau
GPA: 3.828
Plans after graduation: I will be attending Michigan State University majoring in Media Arts and Technology.
Extracurricular Activities: High School Bowling Team, Improv Team
Favorite Subject: Animation and Digital Imaging
Outside interests or hobbies: Video games, singing, playing drums and bass guitar and Parkour
Best friends are people who: enjoy accepting you for who you are
When I think of the future I’m: helping to develop the next line of video games
What most concerns me about the world is: how mean and cruel people can be and yet still call themselves civilized.
I’m proudest of: my good character and morals
I’ll try to make a contribution by: bringing joy to others through entertainment!

Name: Taylor Dewey
Parents: Tom and Angie Dewey
GPA: 3.939
Plans after graduation: Attend Michigan State University
Extracurricular Activities: Varsity Cross Country, Varsity Soccer, Captains Club
Favorite Subject: Human anatomy
Outside interests or hobbies: Snowboarding, hanging out with friends, going on long runs and watching Oxford High School football games
Best friends are people who: are always there.
When I think of the future: I’m: living a successful life, and happily married with children
What most concerns me about the world is: the lack of patience and respect toward others
I’m proudest of: my Mom, Dad and younger sister Bethany, for always supporting and encouraging me through all of my accomplishments
I’ll try to make a contribution by: helping others and acting as a positive influence in our society

Name: Adam Fischer
Parents: Kurt and Karen Fischer
GPA: 3.856
Plans after graduation: To attend college and medical school at the University of Michigan
Extracurricular Activities: Ice Hockey
Favorite Subject: Human Anatomy
Outside interests or hobbies: Fantasy football, video games, kneeboarding, and swimming
Best friends are people who: trust you unquestioningly and uncritically
When I think of the future I’m: A successful doctor
What most concerns me about the world is: humanity’s effect on the world around us.
I’m proudest of: My intelligent life choices and my friends and family
I’ll try to make a contribution by: treating the sick and injured

Name: Nicole Marie Higdon
Parents: Tim and Dawn Higdon
GPA: 3.8
Plans after graduation: To attend a four-year college or university
Extracurricular Activities: I actively participate in the Relay for Life in memory of my grandmother and others who had cancer.
Favorite Subject: U.S. history
Outside interests or hobbies: I like to draw, read and attend Gospel Light Baptist Church.
Best friends are people who: Make you laugh when you are sad and are always there for you.
When I think of the future I’m: nervous but anxious to see where my life will take me.
What most concerns me about the world is: people’s lack of faith in God and in others. Also, how selfish and uncaring people are becoming.
I’m proudest of: my academic achievements and how my family has helped me to be where I am now.
I’ll try to make a contribution by: showing others the strength and love in having faith in God, and by being there for others.

Name: Lindsay Comerford
Parents: Darren and Sharon Comerford
GPA: 3.975
Plans after graduation: Attend Michigan State University
Extracurricular Activities: Yearbook editor and student council executive board secretary
Favorite Subject: Human anatomy and physiology
Outside interests or hobbies: Spending time with my family and friends. I also enjoy scrapbooking.
Best friends are people who: stand by you no matter what.
When I think of the future I’m: a successful pediatrician, wife and mother.
What most concerns me about the world is: the breakdown of the infrastructure in the U.S. economy.
I’m proudest of: my academic achievements.
I’ll try to make a contribution by: investing my time in the people who have invested in me.

Name: Brooke Bocquet
Parents: Scott and Julie Bocquet
GPA: 3.906
Plans after graduation: Attend a Michigan University, possibly majoring in sports medicine or studying law.
Extracurricular Activities: Varsity basketball, varsity track, National Honor Society, Student Council, Captain’s Club, Children’s Church ministry, Spanish Club, DECA
Favorite Subject: Human anatomy
Outside interests or hobbies: AAU Basketball, barefoot water skiing, boating/tubing, eating Cheez-Its, hanging out with friends, watching movies, eating chips and salsa, reading
Best friends are people who: you can be yourself around, are there for you when no one else is and tell you the things you don’t want to tell yourself.
When I think of the future I’m: hoping that the effort I put in the past has prepared me for my future.
What most concerns me about the world is: The lack of respect for our environment and its natural resources.
I’m proudest of: being a role model and oldest sister for my two younger sisters, Gabrielle and Courtney.
I’ll try to make a contribution by: Doing the right thing, even if God is the only one watching.

Name: Andrea Woody
Parents: Ruth and Scott Woody
GPA: 3.917
Plans after graduation: Go to Kendall School of Art and Design for illustration
Extracurricular Activities: National Honor Society, Jazz Band, Church Youth Group, Auto Club
Favorite Subject: Art
Outside interests or hobbies: Drumming, working on cars, drawing
Best friends are people who: knows all your faults but loves you just the same.
When I think of the future I’m: in London
What most concerns me about the world is: the ignorance and apathy of most of humanity. Nobody cares about the truly important things.
I’m proudest of: my blue hair
I’ll try to make a contribution by: being kind and helping others even though I get discouraged and disillusioned.