Township workshop helps educates public about storm drains

Rain and sprinkler water can pick up all sorts of nasty things in its journey through grass, over pavement and, finally, down into the storm system.
From there, the water goes back into our waterways and, ultimately, into our homes.
That’s why each year Orion Township holds a Storm Drain Marking Workshop to help educate the public about why its important to monitor everything that goes down into storm drains.
So what’s the best way to educate?
Put a sign on the sewer.
On River Day, June 13, the township held a workshop where kids got to help paint slogans like ‘What’s in your H20?? with stencils on curbs near storm drains.
The workshop was held in collaboration with the Clinton River Watershed Council.
The kids were helped along by Orion trustee JoAnn Van Tassel.
‘Whatever goes into our drains goes into our lakes and streams. It eventually comes back to us,? said Jennifer Vezina, recreation program supervisor for Orion’s parks and recreation department. ‘It’s all about keeping it clean.?
According to Beth McGuire, a planning and zoning administrator in the department, this is about the fifth year the township has held the workshop.
The activity helps fulfill the public education portion of Department of Environmental Quality requirements, McGuire said.
‘It helps create awareness,? she said.
But the work didn’t stop on River Day.
Township residents interested in marking the storm sewers in their own neighborhood need merely to contact the parks and rec. department.
They will supply all the materials needed to set down slogans near sewers in any neighborhood.
To get involved, contact the parks and rec. department at 248-391-0304 ext. 140.