Dinner, silent auction for crash victim’s family

A community is never stronger, more united or more compassionate that when it’s rallying to help one of its own.
Addison Township and the Village of Leonard will have the chance to do just that when the Salvation Army’s Echo Grove Camp (1101 Camp Rd.) hosts a spaghetti dinner fund-raiser Saturday, Nov. 14 to benefit Eric LeFeuvre’s family
LeFeuvre, 43, was killed in an Oct. 7 accident when his vehicle crashed into a downed tree that had fallen due to its rotted condition and storm-related winds. He was on his way to purchase diapers and formula.
To help his widow, Tina, and daughters, Hannah, a fifth-grader at Leonard Elementary, and Hailey, 1, Addison resident Margaret Koski set up a special fund for donations at Oxford Bank and organized the upcoming dinner.
‘I was brought up in a Catholic school. You give from your heart and you help where you can help,? she said. ‘I thought this was the best way that I could help the family.?
Dinner will be served from 5:30 to 7 p.m. and consist of spaghetti, lasagna, bread sticks, salad, cookies and brownies. Everything is being paid for and provided by the Salvation Army.
The Metamora-based White Horse Inn is donating trays of apple cobbler for dessert.
There is no set cost for the dinner. Donations of any size will be accepted.
‘We didn’t want to put a dollar figure to it and then have those who couldn’t afford it not be able to come. I know people are out of jobs,? Koski explained. ‘I want people to come out, enjoy a meal and donate what they can afford to. I want people to come as a community.?
DJ Ken Gould and his company Audio FX will be providing musical entertainment at the event from 6-9 p.m.
A silent auction will run from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. and feature terrific items such as a pair of tickets to the Michigan-Ohio State football game Nov. 21; four Pistons tickets (including parking pass) to the Nov. 25 game against Cleveland; four tickets to Meadowbrook Theater; and a $330 golf package involving Myth Golf and Banquets in Oakland Township, Bruce Hills Golf Club in Romeo and The Glaciers in Washington Township.
Those who can’t make it to the spaghetti dinner can still help out by donating to ‘The Eric LeFeuvre Fund? at any of Oxford Bank’s eight branches.
Anyone interested in volunteering at the Nov. 14 dinner is encouraged to call Margaret Koski at (248) 628-3098 or e-mail her at koskidust@msn.com.