Bowlers strike hard at county tournament

Clarkston News Sports Writer
The boys varsity bowling team finished in third during the Oakland County tournament during the weekend.
‘The guys did very well,? said Coach Rodney Pierson. ‘The team really came together and Chris Benedict and Mike Stonicki really stepped up.?
Nick Cooper placed second in the top 25 individuals for the boys team for scoring a 712 series and won an award for his performance.
Stolnicki placed in 11th and Paul Anderson in 12th, both bowled a 673 series. Anderson also scored 270 in one of his games, winning a high game award.
The boys qualified for the match plays after scoring 4,082 in three Baker and three regular games. They took second place out 31 schools behind Farmington-Harrison.
The boys defeated Milford, 415-374. They tied with Holly in the quarterfinals, both scoring 404. The team beat the Bronchos in a roll-off, 176-166.
They took third place after losing to South Lyon 467-394. The boys defeated Ferndale on Wednesday, 19-11.
‘We came from behind,? said Pierson. ‘We were down 10-0 after the first few games.?
During the game Cooper shot a 299.
‘The boys have been focusing on spares and understanding the importance of spares,? said Pierson. ‘They are beginning to gel as a team. Because we lost so many starters it took a little bit of time.?
They girls also defeated Ferndale, 28-2. Stephanie Lavely bowled a 223 in her first game and a 374 for the series.
The girls are currently undefeated in the conference and have a chance to win it.
They qualified for the match play round after placing eighth in the top 16, but lost the first round to Farmington-Harrison.
The JV boys beat Ferndale, 26-4. Brian Billups had a 341 series and Kyle Kirby bowled a 186 in his first game.
The varsity team have the Tri-County Invitational on Saturday at Five Star Lanes in Troy.
‘Both teams can do very well,? said Pierson. ‘It looks promising for both teams. They have the potential to do well.?