Student of the week

Brittney Diesbourg
Parents: Remi and Lisa Diesbourg
Grade: Senior
Favorite subject: She loves all of her classes–it’s too hard to pick one.
Extracurricular activities: LOHS’s Troupe 2898 Thespian Society. She has been in every play during her four years at LOHS.
Hobbies and interests: Playing several different instruments, including violin, piano, and guitar, as well as reading, swimming, writing, and playing sports.
Plans after graduation: To attend Grand Valley State University to obtain a nursing degree, then transfer to U of M’s medical school or Wayne State University for pediatric oncology.
Brittney’s proudest of: all her hours of volunteer work at various hospitals, senior citizen homes, soup kitchens, and other organizations.
She tries to make a contribution by: helping out others, doing what she can, and working her best.
When Brittney thinks of the future: she is excited yet anxious about what will happen.
What concerns her in the world: is the fact that people pretend to care and say they do something to help out but never do…and the Red Wings.
Best friends are people who: make you laugh.

Emily Locke
Parents: Gerry and Laura Locke
Grade: Freshman
GPA: 3.6
Favorite subject: English Language Arts
Extracurricular activities: Emily is currently not participating in any extracurricular activities, but she plans to join the photography club.
Hobbies and interests: Spending time with friends and family, exercising, drawing, beach combing, going to the movies, singing, and volunteering.
Plans after graduation: To attend Stanford University and become either a professional photographer or a journalist.
Emily’s proudest of: the fact that she stays herself no matter what, and the improvements that she has made this year as an individual.
She tries to make a contribution by: making plans to volunteer in the community, such as volunteering for Habitat for Humanity over her spring break.
When Emily thinks of the future: she is excited because she wants to be successful and be someone that helps the world one day.
What concerns her in the world: the war, hunger, deforestation of the rainforest, and the incurable diseases like cancer.
Best friends are people who: always have your back, are fun to be around, and make you happy to just be yourself.

Kirk Luca
Parents: John and Judy Luca
Grade: Freshman
GPA: 3.96
Favorite subject: Biology
Extracurricular activities: Freshman football, freshman basketball
Hobbies and interests: Sports, weightlifting, being around family and friends
Plans after graduation: To attend medical school and become a doctor in sports medicine.
Kirk’s proudest of: how he has been raised and his work ethic.
He tries to make a contribution by: volunteering and recycling.
When Kirk thinks of the future: he is really excited to see how his life and career works out.
What concerns him in the world: is the economy.
Best friends are people who: have always been there for you.

Steven Rodriguez
Parents: David and Ginelle
Grade: senior
Favorite subject: physical education
Extracurricular activities: Steven helps out a lot with GAP activities
Hobbies and interests: working out, video games and seeing friends
Plans after graduation: going to Oakland Community College and maybe getting a full-time job
Steven’s proudest of: how close his family is and who he is becoming as a person
He tries to make a contribution by: helping others; when you help other people, you make the world a better place
When Steven thinks of the future: he’s hopeful; he wants to be happy, with a good family
What concerns him in the world: how much greed and how many power-hungry people are out there
Best friends are people who: will always be there, through thick and thin

Lauren WoomerParents: Tammie and Glenn
Grade: Sophomore
Favorite subject: Math, because of Ms. Donerty
Extracurricular activities: Lauren spends four days a week at OnPointe School of Dance taking classes.
Hobbies and interests: Dance, family, and friends.
Plans after graduation: To become a kindergarten teacher or a special education teacher, even though she is not sure what college she wants to attend.
Lauren’s proudest of: her siblings Michael, Tyler, Samm, and Mike, who are always there for each other.
She tries to make a contribution by: mentoring younger kids at dance class.
When Lauren thinks of the future: she sees herself teaching kindergarten or special education students, living in a warm climate, and married with kids.
What concerns her in the world: Lauren is more of a positive thinker, so she doesn’t think too much about the negatives.
Best friends are people who: will be with you through absolutely everything.

Jillian Whitefield
Parents: Larry and Renee
Grade: Sophomore
GPA: 3.93
Favorite subject: Math
Extracurricular activities: Jillian is really involved in her music. She was signed with a record label outside of Detroit last year.
Hobbies and interests: Hanging out with friends, reading a good book, or just relaxing.
Plans after graduation: To attend college, although she is not sure where yet. Jillian is considering a career in psychology.
Jillian’s proudest of: her grades and her work ethic.
She tries to make a contribution by: helping out others whenever she can.
When Jillian thinks of the future: she is hoping to succeed in the workplace, or expand her singing career. Jillian eventually wants to get married and have three kids and a dog.
What concerns her in the world: is negativity. It’s so hard in today’s society to escape it.
Best friends are people who: are people that you can rely on in a serious situation. Someone who accepts all your flaws and loves you for who you are. Someone to laugh with.

Parents: Ingrid and Jeffrey
Grade: Freshman
GPA: 3.6
Favorite subject: Science
Extracurricular activities: Band and volunteering
Hobbies and interests: Playing with her dogs, reading, watching TV, going on the internet, baby-sitting, and cooking
Plans after graduation: To attend college and get a masters degree, and then find a job relating to psychology.
Christina’s proudest of: this recognition, her integrity, and her values.
She tries to make a contribution by: volunteering the most she can and being a good model citizen.
When Christina thinks of the future: she is reluctant and ready, at the same time.
What concerns her in the world: whether there will be an abundance of jobs available when she graduates from college.
Best friends are people who: are honest, fun, trustworthy, and have a plan for the future.

Jacob Gardner
Parents: Jim and Michelle
Grade: Sophomore
GPA: 3.66
Favorite subject: AP U.S. History
Extracurricular activities: Football, basketball, and baseball.
Hobbies and interests: Hunting, fishing, and travel baseball.
Plans after graduation: Jacob would like to attend the University of Michigan to study sports medicine.
Jacob’s proudest of: his family, who supports him as he participates in three separate teams, along with helping him in his spiritual life through Lake Orion Baptist.
He tries to make a contribution by: Completing mission trips with his youth group in less privileged areas, and trying to be a good example to those around me.
When Jacob thinks of the future: He is excited to see what it holds for him and the people around him.
What concerns him in the world: The vast economic problems.
Best friends are people who: Encourage each other and help each other in their walk with God.

Jon D’Ambrosio
Parents: Joe and Suzanne
Grade: Sophomore
GPA: 3.54
Favorite subject: Video Projects
Extracurricular activities: Member of the Thespian Society, participates in the fall and spring musicals, Men’s After-School Choir, member of the Lake Orion Marching Band
Hobbies and interests: Filming short independent films with friends, playing the drums and the trumpet, and camping
Plans after graduation: to pursue a career in the film business as an actor and director.
Jon’s proudest of: receiving superior ratings two years in a row for his short films at the Michigan State Film Festival.
He tries to make a contribution by: helping out at his church.
When Jon thinks of the future: he hopes for a better economy and cures for many diseases.
What concerns him in the world: is the economy and the decisions being made by the government.
Best friends are people who: are always there for you and people who enjoy the same things that you do

Stefany Banda
Parents: Kim and Nik Banda
Grade: Senior
GPA: 3.4
Favorite subject: English
Extracurricular activities: President of Student Leadership (Student Council), active student at LOHS, 3-year Varsity Dance Team member, and Freshman Mentor
Hobbies and interests: Competitive dance, running, reading, camping, going up north, being with friends and family
Plans after graduation: attend either Michigan State University or Grand Valley State University in pursuing a career as an Entertainment Publicist
Stefany’s proudest of: being elected President of Leadership. It has become one of her greatest passions, and has helped her develop into a strong, ambitious person.
She tries to make a contribution by: being a positive influence to others, and inspiring others to be the best they can be.
When Stefany thinks of the future: she is excited to start the next chapter in her life.
What concerns her in the world: is when people don’t get opportunities to pursue their dreams.
Best friends are people who: are behind you 100 percent and support you no matter what.

Tyler Gahrs
Parents: John and Nancy Gahrs
Grade: senior
GPA: 3.6
Favorite subject: anatomy
Extracurricular activities: cross country, track and field, Karate and Tae Kwon Do
Hobbies and interests: running, biking and swimming
Plans after graduation: attend Oakland University for a degree in biology and go to medical school with a specialization in emergency medicine or surgery
Tyler’s proudest of: earning a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and Karate
He tries to make a contribution by: giving back to the community
When Tyler thinks of the future: he is looking forward to college
What concerns him in the world: how unaware people are of what’s happening in the world
Best friends are people who: stand by you when you need them

Steven Murtaugh
Parents: Eileen and Matthew Murtaugh
Grade: Senior
Favorite subject: business
Extracurricular activities: Drama Club/Thespian Society, part-time theater assistant
Hobbies and interests: Orion Neighborhood Television (ONTV)
Plans after graduation: attend Oakland Community College for an associate’s degree, then transfer to Oakland University to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Information Technology
Steven’s proudest of: creating some of the productions at ONTV about local events, and presenting them to the community
He tries to make a contribution by: volunteering efforts at ONTV, his church, and the high school
When Steven thinks of the future: he is excited to start a new adventure in something different
What concerns him in the world: How there are a growing number of countries provoking war instead of working together for the common good
Best friends are people who: are those who you can rely on for help when you need it

Parents: Fernando and Maria
Grade: junior
GPA: 3.5
Favorite subject: English ‘fo? sho??
Extracurricular activities: piano lessons
Hobbies and interests: composing music, playing the keyboard, showing off either talent, writing and cracking jokes
Plans after graduation: choosing from a number of paths, including band member, novelist, video game composer — he’s still thinking.
Antonio’s proudest of: two essays and several stories he considers to be his greatest creative triumphs
He tries to make a contribution by: reintroducing creativity and style into a creative industry marred by stale, derivative trash
When Antonio thinks of the future: he’s quivering in his day-old sneakers with fear of the uncertain; he still hasn’t picked a career path, let alone a college; where shall he live? in what sort of home? what car will he drive? how will he run a family? To think of it hurts his head
What concerns him in the world: His biggest ‘beef? is the constant violence, wars, crimes and assassinations
Best friends are people who: are intelligent, extremely awesome or death metal fans — or all three.

Diane McNulty
Parents: Ann Marie and Brennan McNulty
Grade: senior
GPA: 3.4
Favorite subject: Television Production Workshop (TPW)
Extracurricular activities: president of Thespian Society and captain of Forensics
Hobbies and interests: Peanut Gallery Players (an acting group), sewing and reading historical fiction
Plans after graduation: to obtain a Bachelor of Fine Arts in acting from Columbia College in Chicago
Diane’s proudest of: being true to herself and being in touch with her feelings
She tries to make a contribution by: growing the drama department so kids will learn and be proud of a program that makes people express emotions and become a force in the school
When Diane thinks of the future: she’s loving her job and not stuck in a cubicle — that’s what she’s always wanted
What concerns her in the world: people are losing sight of what the American spirit means
Best friends are people who: stay with you even on a bad day, and just sit quietly in a room with youDiane McNulty

Kyle Longiotti
Parents: Peter and Sharleen Longiotti
Grade: junior
GPA: 3.9
Favorite subject: math
Hobbies and interests: football, reading, computers and video games
Plans after graduation: to go to college and study in the medical or medical-related field
Kyle’s proudest of: his accomplishments in his classes at school
He tries to make a contribution by: working hard so he can prepare himself for the future
When Kyle thinks of the future: he’s using everything he’s learned in the workplace and in society
What concerns him in the world: the current economic condition and how it will affect him in the future
Best friends are people who: support you in all situations

Parents: Heidi Persinger and Thomas Hammond
Grade: senior
GPA: 3.259
Favorite subject: American government
Hobbies and interests: volunteering at Oakland County Animal Control, hanging out with friends and shopping
Plans after graduation: to become a nurse
Courtney’s proudest of: her accomplishments over the past 17 years, and maintaining her grades while working part-time.
She tries to make a contribution by: helping other people
When Courtney thinks of the future: she’s looking forward to becoming a nurse, buying a house and having children
What concerns her in the world: all the terrorism
Best friends are people who: are there for you through everything

Parents: Patty and Aaron Marchese, and Shannon Booker

Grade: senior
GPA: 3.1
Favorite subject: English

Extracurricular activities: varsity football and baseball

Hobbies and interests: hanging out with friends and playing sports

Plans after graduation: he’s undecided on a university but wants to play baseball or football at the college level

Vinnie’s proudest of: his achievements in sports and his success in high school

He tries to make a contribution by: helping others around school with any problems, and making people smile everyday

When Vinnie thinks of the future: he’s living a great, happy life with a nice family with two boys and a beautiful wife

What concerns him in the world: all the acts of terrorism around the world

Best friends are people who: care about your feelings and are always there when you need them

Parents: Christine and Fred
Grade: junior
GPA: 2.65

Favorite subject: English

Extracurricular activities: volunteering at Orion Area Youth Assistance where he helps with fundraising; he also produces Websites for groups such as Youth Assistance, Special Olympics and Imagine Program

Hobbies and interests: started the Art Club with Ms. Glowicki, who serves as the advisor; around ten students participate and work with clay, painting and ceramics

Plans after graduation: to go to Oakland Community College and live at home to save money

Drake’s proudest of: his Student of the Week nomination

He tries to make a contribution by: helping others in anyway he can

When Drake thinks of the future: he’s working as a social worker in Michigan

What concerns him in the world: the war in Iraq

Best friends are people who: are nice, caring, respectful and loving

Parents: Lexie and Frederick
Grade: sophomore
GPA: 3.96

Favorite subject: history

Extracurricular activities: being involved in his church and small group

Hobbies and interests: playing football and lacrosse, and hunting and fishing

Plans after graduation: playing football at the University of Michigan.

Bradley’s proudest of: his mission trip to West Virginia, where he helped people who were less fortunate than himself

He tries to make a contribution by: setting a good example for people to follow

When Bradley thinks of the future: he is excited for the things God has planned for him

What concerns him in the world: nothing really; he’s not concerned, because God is in control of everything

Best friends are people who: are always there for you in times of need

Parents: Tom and Lisa Cronin
Grade: sophomore

GPA: 3.8

Favorite subject: social studies

Extracurricular activities: JV football and powerlifting

Hobbies and interests: playing and watching sports, hanging out with friends and going up north

Plans after graduation: attend Michigan State University to study business

Kevin’s proudest of: his grades

He tries to make a contribution by: helping out the community and working with little kids

When Kevin thinks of the future: he’s hopefully living in Michigan with my family and being successful at his job

What concerns him in the world: the economic challenges that the US is facing

Best friends are people who: you can trust and have a good time with

Parents: Marie and John
Grade: sophomore

Favorite subject: science, but she also enjoyed ceramics

Extracurricular activities: soccer and track and field

Hobbies and interests: she loves working at Upland Hills Farm, in Oxford, where she has many opportunities to work with animals

Plans after graduation: Katie would like to attend Michigan State University. Her goal is to study veterinary medicine, and eventually become a zoologist or zoo vet

Katie’s proudest of: making it to global finals for Destination Imagination, a creative problem solving group, four years in a row with her team

She tries to make a contribution by: volunteering at Michigan Humane Society and helping animals in any way possible

When Katie thinks of the future: she is excited because she has big plans for her life; she has high expectations for herself and knows she can reach them if she works hard

What concerns her in the world: the lack of concern for the environment and the effects it is having on animals

Best friends are people who: support and love you through everything; they are always there when you need them.

Parents: Gary and Karla
Grade: junior
GPA: 3.9

Favorite subject: English

Extracurricular activities: Civic Youth Ensembles, Oakland Youth Orchestra, church orchestra, youth group

Plans after graduation: major in music education and violin performance

When she thinks of the future: she’s excited to see the great things the Lord has for her

Parents: Mike and Faith
Grade: senior
GPA: 3.84
Favorite subject: choir
Extracurricular activities:
LOcommotion show choir, voice lessons, piano lessions, Soul Fire Youth Ministry, MSUMA Honors Choir
Plans after graduation: attend Hope College to major in music education
Elizabeth’s proudest of: the progress she’s made in her singing
How she makes a contribution: by inspiring people to pursue their dreams to the best of their ability
Best friends are people who: don’t love you in spite of your flaws but love you because of them
What concerns Elizabeth in the world: children are cared for, loved and given every possible opportunity to succeed
When she thinks of the future: she’s teaching a group of young singers and inspiring them to do what they love

Parents: Jim and Lisa Wesley
Grade: senior
GPA: 3.985

Favorite subject: science

Extracurricular activities: varsity golf, National Honor Society, Leadership Developmental Workshop, LOBOS soccer

Plans after graduation: attend Grand Valley State University Honors College to major in biomedical studies

Wesley’s proudest of: achieving such good grades all four years and receiving academic scholarships to GVSU

What concerns Wesley in the world: the amount of debt that today’s younger generation will inherit

When he thinks of the future: he’s practicing medicine as an orthopedic surgeon, married and raising a family

Parents: Bob and Julie Gritzinger
Grade: senior
GPA: 3.53
Favorite subject: performing arts and science
Extracurricular activities: Thespian Society, choir, church choir
Plans after graduation: attend Michigan State University to major in nursing or music education
Hobbies and interests: skiing, reading, making short films, traveling, making music, driving, softball, singing, playing piano, speaking German
How she makes a contribution: by staying focused in her last few weeks of school and by treating everyone around her kindly
She’s proudest of: Lake Orion High School and the people she’s met there. She’s proud to be part of such a great school that accomplishes so much year after year
Best friends are people who: she can trust; people with whom she’s 100% herself; people who make her a better person
What concerns her in the world: how unhappy everyone is and how no one helps one another; we’re all so into ourselves that we’re missing the big picture
When she thinks of the future: she’s excited and nervous; she’s not sure what the world will be like when she’s done with college

Parents: Terry and Kathy Sweeney
Grade: senior
GPA: 3.925
Favorite subject: symphonic band
Extracurricular activities: LOHS drumline, marching band, jazz band, pit orchestra and National Honor Society
Plans after graduation: to attend the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore to study percussion. He hopes to obtain a degree in applied music.
Hobbies and interests: Detroit Symphony Civic Orchestra and North Oakland Concert Band
How Terry makes a contribution: by teaching young percussionists in middle school
He’s proudest of: the success of his percussion students
Best friends are people who: always have your back
What concerns him in the world: the economy and how it affects the music industry
When Terry thinks of the future: he’s performing percussion with a professional orchestra and teaching percussion

Parent: Rhonda Hoover
Grade: senior
GPA: 3.2
Favorite subject: English and history
Extracurricular activities: Extend mentoring, community service and Special Olympics (swimming)
Plans after graduation: attending Oakland Community College after graduation, then transferring to Oakland University for the nursing program.
Hobbies and interests: spending time with family, nieces and nephews, shopping, playing sports and being active
She’s proudest of: what she’s becoming
How Sam makes a contribution: by teaching peers that it’s OK to accept others
Best friends are people who: look out for other people
Sam is concerned with: hatred in the world
When Sam thinks of the future: she’s excited

Grade: senior
GPA: 3.056
Favorite subject: math
Extracurricular activities: working at Big Boy and snowboarding
Plans after graduation: attend Oakland University to study pre-law
Hobbies and interests: art, animals, reading and watching movies in the theatre
She’s proudest of: her motivation during difficult times
How Samantha makes a contribution: by working hard to keep her grades up while living on her own and supporting herself
Best friends are people who: are always there when you need them
Samantha is concerned with: the economy
When Samantha thinks of the future: she’s nervous but optimistic

Samantha’s nominator said, ‘Sam has dealt with many issues this year and has handled everything very well. She is a great student and a warm, caring person. Sam will do well in her college pursuits and in her life.

Parents: Jon and Sheila Johnson
Grade: junior
Favorite subject: math
Extracurricular activities: varsity football manager, art club, Camp SOAR counselor
Plans after graduation: attend the IMAGE program at CERC and take art classes at a college
Hobbies and interests: bowling, swimming, drawing, capuchin monkeys, his superhero collection and reading superhero books
Proudest moment: helping the football team go to Ford Field and receiving a scholastic award for his drawings which are on display at the College of Creative Studies
How Phillip makes a contribution: by being nice to everyone and helping his family, school and Lake Orion
Best friends are people who: are nice and like to hang out, like his football buddies and the students in his class with Mr. Borque
Phillip wishes that: everyone would be nice to each other and be happy and get along together
When Phillip thinks of the future: he will be an animator and create cartoon shows

Parents: Donald and Angella Beckman
Grade: junior
GPA: 3.5
Favorite subject: psychology
Extracurricular activities: swimming and diving team, freshman mentor
Plans after graduation: attend Arizona State University, majoring in pre-law and minoring in psychology; get married and have a family
Hobbies and interests: working at Giggle Beans, volunteering, counseling at Epilepsy of Michigan Camp Discovery
Proudest moment: developing into the person I am today
How Emily makes a contribution: showing people that everyone is different for a reason and we all should be proud of who we are
What concerns Emily in the world: how mean and judgemental people can be
How Emily feels about the future: excited to achieve the goals she has set out to reach and to make a difference

Parents: John and Natalie Moll
Grade: senior
GPA: 3.83
Favorite subject: science
Extracurricular activities: Laura is a senior head drum major in the marching band, the treasurer of LOHS’s National Thespian Society and a member of the National Honors Society.
Plans after graduation: Laura plans to attend the University of Michigan to study nursing. After receiving her bachelor’s degree in nursing she plans to attend graduate school and earn a master’s degree in nursing and a certification to become a nurse practitioner.
Hobbies and interests: Laura loves music and singing, being on stage and hanging out with her friends. She works part-time at Buffalo Wild Wings.
Proudest moment: Being accepted to U of M. It’s been her school of choice since she was young.
How Laura makes a contribution: By participating in volunteer projects to help those less fortunate. She has participated in several mission trips in areas of Detroit doing odd jobs to try and improve the area in anyway we could.
Best friends are people who: Someone you can always rely on to be there. They help you through rough times and always make the good times that much better. They listen to you innermost secrets and help you to accomplish your dreams.
What concerns Laura in the world: Society’s requirement to solve problems with violence. Constant war and destructive decisions merely add to the hostility between nations. She knows that countries do try to solve things diplomatically, however, they don’t seem to pursue the matter in much detail. She believes working harder to solve things diplomatically would greatly decrease the amount of war in today’s society.
When Laura thinks of the future: She’s excited and slightly nervous for the opportunities it offers and its unpredictability.

Grade: 12
GPA: 3.6
Parents: Kara and Dean Hill

Favorite subject: human anatomy, team sports and american history

Extracurricular activities: Kayla is the captain of the varsity volleyball team and was the Homecoming Queen. She is also in the Leadership class and will return to work at Culvers after volleyball season is over.

Plans after graduation: Kayla plans on attending Saginaw Valley State University in the fall to study Occupational Therapy.
Hobbies and interests: watching LOHS football, outdoor activities like camping and fishing, baking, helping start the Kensington Church campus in Lake Orion and spending time with her family.

Interesting fact about Kayla: she’s the 13th generation of Hills living in the US.

Kayla was nominated as Student of the Week by numerous teachers. Mr. Woodcock summed it up perfectly when he said Kayla always has a positive attitude and delightful demeanor. Ms. Heidt noted Kayla works hard, is very sweet and is always going out of her way to help others.

Parents: Kim and David Berkal
Grade: 12
GPA: 3.89
Favorite subject: English
Extracurricular activities: Rachel serves as the president of Student Council, the Varsity Cheer captain, an Extend Mentoring mentor and a National Honor Society member. She was also the class president for her sophomore and junior years.
Plans after graduation: Rachel has yet to choose a major but she plans to attend the University of Michigan.
Hobbies and interests: cheerleading
Proudest moment: being accepted to U of M

This year Rachel’s younger brother, Jacob joined her as a freshman in the high school. Her younger sister, Emma, is in sixth grade at Scripps Middle School.