Wanted: One school boardmember

Six school boardmembers will be left after Bill Walters, board president, retires in June. To fill that spot, the board is accepting nominations until May 19.
Want to throw in your hat?
To be considered for the position, a resident must be a ‘qualified and registered elector of the school district,? according to the district’s bylaws. That means you must ‘sleep and keep the majority of your possessions? at an address in the district, said Joe Rozell, of Oakland County’s Election Division.
After receiving nominations, the board will interview all the candidates and vote on their selection. The term expires June 2011.
With Walters gone, the board must select someone new to fill the vacant chair no more than 20 days after selecting a new member.
Those interested in serving on the board should send a letter of intent, resume and any other relevant information to the board’s vice president, Mary Jo Burchart. To see the full posting, visit www.lakeorion.k12.mi.us.
Walters says he’s retiring from the board in preparation for a move out of the area. Once his house in Lake Orion sells, he plans to relocate closer to family.
The outgoing president says he’d like to see a person with diverse interests and good listening habits as his successor on the board, and noted he gives a vote of confidence to Mary Jo Burchart, current vice president, as the board’s next president.
Voting her into the office is something they’ve discussed before, says Walters, noting Burchart has ‘worked hard.?