Spreading joy of reading at book sale

Readers checked out about 17,000 books for sale at Independence Township Library last week.
Mary Whitley found a copy of Harry Potter among the stacks.
‘There’s a lot of amazing books,? Whitley said.
Her mother, Chris, agreed.
‘I’ve been coming to the book sales for twelve years,” she said. “With five kids who love reading, it’s nice to get reasonably priced books.?
Julia Whitley also found a few books.
‘I go in my bed at nighttime and read,? she said.
Proceeds benefit Friends of the Library, funding the children’s section of the library, bike racks, shelves for music CDs, and wireless access throughout the building.
The sale also supports the library’s summer reading programs, Teen Art Show, and Pumpkin Carving Program.
Mitch Heber, past president of Friends of the Library, said purchasing books from the sale helps the library, which can’t sponsor these kinds of community services on its own due to recent budget cuts.
The next sale will be Sept. 26-29. For more information, contact friends@indelib.org or find Friends of the Library on Facebook.