Stalemate in D.C., news now all speculation

Let’s see if I have this right:
President Barack Obama won’t show us his birth certificate.
Presidential candidate Mitt Romney won’t release his 2011 tax reports.
Congress is immobile, inept and incapable of agreeing on anything except leaving town.
Try as hard as these three units will to create ill feeling toward our democracy, I’m still proud to be an American, which really stretches my will power.
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Oxford was the home of Brace Beemer, the radio Lone Ranger. He was my neighbor, after I bought three of his 360 acres from him and built a house. He died in 1965.
His grandchildren came here recently and wanted to see Brace’s tack house, which he built on what is now my three acres.
It’s knotty pine paneled, with a bar, but is used only as a collect-all for ‘stuff.?
These grandkids are collecting notes of Brace’s life, and that’s when I learned one day Brace decided to take his horse, Silver, upstairs in his 2-story country home.
Brace then learned horses don’t like going down stairs. He had to have a window removed, hire a truck with a crane, wrap Silver in ropes and lift him back down to earth.
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Politics and corruption.
Are they synonymous?
Being retired and having this space to fill each week, I do a lot of speculative thinking and wondering.
Like: Is the atmosphere surrounding people elected, or appointed to government-associated jobs different than that surrounding bank robbers?
I get the feeling at times that those taking tax-payers? money think what they are doing is not robbing.
Like, it’s really nobody’s money, it’s just money sent by oblivious, no-name people, and therefore unaccountable.
So, it’s not like robbing or stealing. It’s just small amounts of the billions of dollars sent to Washington, and the little bit a government employee takes won’t be found by auditors who are also government employees — thus too distracted, unconcerned or crooked.
Which brings me to political cynicism.
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People who write commercials for advertisers have counterparts who write political campaign pitches.
Both are obsessed with using the phrase ‘your hard-earned money.? They are often talking about giving your money to them because if you don’t, you’re wasting ‘your hard-earned money.?
Firstly, nearly 50 percent of the people are getting money from the tax-paying other 50 percent. Hardly hard work.
Secondly, there’s inherited money, Lotto and other gambling receipts, return on investments which are not necessarily ‘hard-earned? and profits from gifted money.
‘Hard-earned.? Yeah, it was tough picking rich parents, and scratching off numbers, and spending grueling time at the Motor City Casino’s slots. Besides, if you really like your job it isn’t ‘hard work.?