Public Safety Log

Monday, July 30
* Malicious destruction of property reported on Great Pines Drive. No suspects in the slashing of two tires.
* Car accident and truck rollover on Lakeville Road and Bay Pointe Drive. No injuries reported.
Sunday, July 29
* Car fire on Lakeville Road. Fire began in the engine compartment and was not the result of a collision or a road hazard. No injuries reported
* Animal complaint registered on Park Street. Dog barking incessantly. Problem has been ongoing, caller explained.
* More malicious destruction, this time on Pearl Street. Ex-wife is blamed for breaking house door.
Saturday, July 28
* Knife fight at Lakeville and Parker Lake roads.
* Two-car accident at South Washington and Mechanic streets.
Friday, July 27
* License plate stolen at South Washington and Burdick streets.
* Family trouble reported on Broadway Street. Intoxicated male destroying house.
Thursday, July 26
* Breaking and entering reported on Oxford Road. Two men seen with crowbars trying to enter burned-out house. Suspects later determined to be merely accompanying an insurance adjuster. Case closed.
* Still more malicious destruction of property, this time on Chinkapin Rill. Caller heard something hitting his house and observed small holes in the exterior of his house. Responding officer observed holes in siding. No suspects identified at this time.
* Even more malicious destruction of property reported on Somerville Street. Caller reported four tires slashed. No suspects named at this time.
Wednesday, July 25
* Possible breaking and entering reported on Pontiac Street. Caller reported a cut in a screen, but nothing was deemed to be missing from house.
* Truck versus phone pole on South Lapeer Road. No injuries reported.
* West-bound truck exited roadway on East Drahner. Passengers reported a reckless driver speeding eastbound who required them to overcompensate in a curve, lose control of the vehicle and leave the road to eventually strike a tree. No injuries reported.
* Breaking and entering by juveniles reported on Glaspie Street. Suspects were advised by police and left without incident. No damage to building reported.
Tuesday, July 24
* Two-car accident at North Washington and Burdick streets.
* Complaints made about late-night, noisy, basketball-playing, cussing juveniles on Lakes Edge Drive.
Monday, July 23
* Sex offender on Red Barn Road failed to register. Suspect now lives on North Washington Street.
* Unidentified juveniles blamed for egging, toilet papering, and painting pornographic graffiti on signs on High Point Drive.
* Bicycle found on Lakes Edge and Oakwood Court. Can be retrieved at police station.
* Skateboarding youths reported at Pleasant and Dayton streets.

Monday, July 9
*Malicious destruction of property on Brentwood. Victim’s car was keyed the entire length of the driver’s side. No suspects at this time.
*Gunshots heard on Thomas Rd. Police officers observed mark on wall of house.
Sunday, July 8
*Dumpster fire reported on S. Lapeer Rd.
*Juvenile taken into custody for marijuana possession on West Burdick.
Saturday, July 7
*Arrest on Hosner and Parker Roads conducted without incident. Late night bicyclist had outstanding warrants.
*Animal complaint on S. Washington. Raccoon stuck in grease trap by pizza joint vacated before police arrived.
*Marijuana possession cited on Lincoln & Washington and also on Glaspie and Oxford Lake Rd.
Friday, July 6
*Boat on fire in middle of lake near West Drahner. Boaters rescued and fire controlled.
*iPod found at S. Washington business. Can be retrieved at 22 W Burdick.
*Malicious destruction of lawn furniture reported on Sunset Blvd.
Thursday, July 5
*Power lines reported down and arcing on Thomas Rd, Dewey St, West Drahner, and Second St.
Wednesday, July 4
*Estranged wife locked out of home on Mechanic St.
*Juveniles reported shooting fireworks at oncoming vehicles on Lapeer and Oakwood.
*Two projectiles shattered rear car window on Parker and Hosner.
*Firewood stolen on Drahner Rd.. Victim had three cords of wood and no trespassing signs taken. Police recovered human feces and toilet paper near site of theft.
*Multiple complaints throughout the week about fireworks and noise from Glaspie, Broadway, Thornehill Trail, and Sunset Blvd. One citizen reported seeing the street ‘lined with rockets.?
Tuesday, July 3
*Cow found standing in the middle of the road at Baldwin and Seymour Lake Road.
*Downed power lines reported on Lapeer and Oakwood, and also at Woodbriar Lane. Rochester Road telephone pole reported on fire.
*Glasses, cell phone, and lottery papers found on Louck St.
*Small children locked inside of home, grandmother locked outside when she went out to sweep the porch on Quail Ridge. Thanks to a swift kick, police enabled woman to regain entry to home.