Vaulter signs with Ohio school

Recent OHS graduate Dakota Westmoreland vaulted into the elite echelon of college athletics when he recently signed a letter of intent to attend Baldwin-Wallace University.
Westmoreland, a former Clear Lake Elementary student and 2012 OHS graduate, said his immediate athletic goal is to be nationally-ranked in the decathlon.
His favorite event is the pole-vault, which he pursued while at Oxford. But during his senior year at OHS he also worked up his expertise in the 4×400 relay and the long jump.
Of the pole-vault, Westmoreland said ‘right now it’s looking like my best event, but I think I’m doing pretty good in the sprints as well.?
While at Baldwin-Wallace he’ll be training with the athlete who made third at nationals last year, so he hopes the influence and challenge will aid his aspirations.
Westmoreland will major in computer programming while at Baldwin, with post-college career goals that including writing his own operating system and starting a home-based business.
The Baldwin-Wallace University campus has made a strong impression on Westmoreland.
‘It’s awesome,? said the OHS track star. Situated in Berea, Ohio just west of Cleveland, the school ‘is in a very beautiful area. I can actually ride my bike up to Lake Erie if I’d like, which I plan on doing,? Westmorleand said.
‘Right outside they have a national park which has kayak rentals and all kinds of bike paths, so it’s a very nice campus? and area, Westmoreland stressed.
As he moves out of the shelter of home and community, he looks back at his time at OHS with gratitude.
According to Westmoreland, ‘all the athletic programs at Oxford really pushed for . . .doing things without having to be told.?
As he now looks for employment and to purchase a car, he said ‘his athletic training up at Oxford have taught me pretty much everything I need to know to help me in the real world nowadays.”
‘I loved the athletics in Oxford and I’m really going to miss them, especially the coaches.?