Board votes to reduce substitute teacher compensation

Goodrich-On Monday night the school board voted 7-0 to lower the substitute pay rate for the upcoming school year. Currently, the district contracts with Professional Educational Services Group (PESG) to find teachers when needed for both short and long-term substitution.
The pay rate will be reduced from $84.36 per day to $80 and long-term substitutes from $193.14 after 11 days of work to $150 per day after 30 days of work.
‘Last year the district spent $63,687 for substitute teachers,? said Scott Bogner, district superintendent. ‘With the new rates the district could have saved $14,225.?
The Grand Blanc School District pays $78 per day and $180.82 for long term substitute after 21 days. The Lake Fenton School District pays $77 per day and $87.50 for substitutes after 11 days of work. Other local districts include Davison at $75 per day and the Brandon School District in Oakland County at $75 per day and $186 after 61 days of work.
‘Our biggest competitor for substitute teachers will be Grand Blanc Schools,? he said. ‘They’ll come here to Goodrich for the 2 bucks.?