Goodrich MEAP tops county averages

Goodrich-The standardized Michigan Educational Assessment Program tests reading and math taken in the fall of 2012 over grades third through eighth, in addition to writing for fourth and seventh, science for fifth and eighth and social studies tests for ninth grade students.
‘These numbers mean that our journey is ongoing,? said Scott Bogner, first year district superintendent.
‘The numbers give us data that we can use to continue to modify our instruction so that students continue to learn at high levels. The numbers mean that the initiatives the staff has put in place are moving students in the right direction. Our goal is to get to the point where before these assessments are given, we know where our kids will score because we have monitored their progress. More than that, we will have a system in place to not only know what our students will score, but we will be able to replicate those scores each year. If we are truly about kids, then the work is never done.?
‘We have exceptional students and a great staff and together we will continue to improve so kids win.?
2012 2011 chng. Cty
(Grade 3) avg
Math 52.6 46.6 6.0 42
Reading 75.2 72.8 2.40 65

(Grade 4)
Math 65.2 41.4 23.80 41.1
Reading 82 61.1 20.90 66.9
Writing 47.8 38.9 8.90 44.9

(Grade 5)
Math 53.7 48.6 5.10 40.9
Reading 70.3 75.3 -5.00 68.3
Science 13.9 23.6 -9.70 12

(Grade 6)
Math 56.6 29.5 27.10 34.1
Reading 77.4 74.6 2.80 66.1
Social Studies 50.9 7.0 13.90 30.1

(Grade 7)
Math 42.0 41.6 0.40 30.4
Reading 75.3 72.7 2.60 58.7
Writing 58.0 62.3 -4.30 47.8

(Grade 8)
Math 38.3 27.7 10.60 28.2
Reading 77.8 70.2 7.60 62.5
Science 28.7 30.2 -1.50 13.9

(Grade 9)
Social Studies 35.6 35.2 0.40 25.9