Flood closes Orion Center

By Meg Peters
Review Co-Editor
The Orion Center will be closed for at least two months after a fire suppression line broke Sunday in the second floor ceiling, flooding both the first and second stories.
All classes, programs, activities and rentals scheduled for February have been cancelled.
The Orion Center, located at 1335 Joslyn Rd., houses Orion Township’s Community Programs Department, offers a variety of recreational and senior programming, and rents out space for parties, weddings and the like.
The line broke on Valentines Day above the second story dining room and set off the alarm. It took personnel about 15 minutes to arrive to the building, which at that point had sustained heavy water damage on both the first and second story floors. The township was investigating the cause of the break, and the cost of the damages Tuesday after The Review went to press. All they know is that the damage is extensive.
Township officials are working with their insurance company to complete a top to bottom inspection and to assess the repairs needed.
Orion Neighborhood Television (ONTV) was not affected, and will remain open for business.
For all other programming and events, Orion Township Supervisor Chris Barnett and the Community Programs Department are working with local organizations to relocate some of the activities.
‘We are in the process of working with the CERC building, the library, Woodside Bible Church and Canterbury Village, to see what programs and events we can move and relocate. We’re just trying to catch our breath and see where we can move them,? Barnett said.
The staff has been relocated to allow for repairs and cleaning.
All questions can still be called in at the regular Orion Center phone numbers. For community programs call 248-391-0304 ext. 305, and for rentals call 248-391-0304 ext. 306.
Tune into the Orion Township website, oriontownship.org, for updated information. More information will also be included in the next outreach magazine sent to every Orion Township resident four times a year, which can be expected in the mailbox in the next one to two weeks.