Am-Legion sends soldiers some love

About 60 troops serving overseas will soon have a new pair of socks, oatmeal cookies, and some Sudoku puzzles to pass the time. These and other items were donated to the American Legion Post 63, and on February 5, volunteers carefully packaged them in boxes addressed to soldiers.
Donna Bullard, whose son is currently serving in Afghanistan, brought a $285 check donated from the Clarkston Brandon Community Credit Union. ‘The Credit Union is always really happy to partner with the American Legion,? Bullard said.
She sat at a long table, writing out addresses for the packages while Denise Schons picked out a bottle of shampoo and a tube of toothpaste to add to the box she was preparing.
‘It is always a feeling of great pride to see how our community comes together to show their support of our men and women in the service,? said Senior Vice Annie Germic.
The Legion tries to get boxes out to the troops every couple of months. While soldiers usually receive a lot of mail around Christmas, Germic asked, ‘what about the rest of the year?? To her, it’s important to send packages throughout the seasons ‘so they know we’re thinking of them.? These boxes of goodies were put together for Valentine’s Day ‘because our hearts belong to the troops,? Germic said and put her hand over her heart.
American Legion Post 63 hopes to get more packages out to the soliders around Easter. Find out more on