Anticipation high for Labor Day parade

This year’s Labor Day parade, sponsored by the Clarkston Rotary Club, is certain to draw a crowd. With almost 60 entries and Detroit Redwings? Karen Newman singing The Star Spangled Banner to kick off the event, it is no surprise that parade-goers are excited.
At 10 a.m. on Sept. 3, crowds will line downtown Clarkston’s Main Street in anticipation of colorful floats, candy, and classic cars. The parade will begin at Renaissance High School and end at St. Daniel’s Church.
According to Rotary Vice President Joel Delong, the Clarkston High School band and the Michigan State University Alumni band will perform. Karen Newman who will ride in a Bowman Chevrolet will sing too.
‘Bowman Chevrolet and the Clarkston Chamber of Commerce is excited to have Karen,? said Katie Bowman-Coleman who is happy to support Karen Newman’s annual Christmas Show too.
‘I’m proud to say I’m a spokesman for Bowman Chevrolet,? said Karen Newman. ‘Chevy runs in my blood,? Newman explained. Her father worked for Chevy and General Motors for most of his life, and Newman remembers, ‘many a cool Chevy in our driveway.?
Besides all the cool cars, Newman has fond memories of Clarkston too. She attended Clarkston Elementary and Junior High and used to ride her bike down to Rudy’s Market. ‘Clarkston is my home town,? Newman said.
Because ‘downtown Clarkston is all about tradition,? Newman says she’s looking forward to singing the national anthem and tossing candy from a Bowman Chevrolet.
Mike Lorimer, owner of Ratallee Lake Tree Farm, plans to have some tasty treats to toss to those along the parade route too. His float will feature Christmas trees and landscaping evergreens along with lots of holiday cheer.
The Clarkston Rotary has sponsored the Labor Day parade for 70 years and looks forward to upholding the tradition. Go to for more information.