New principal at GMS

Goodrich-By a 7-0 vote on Monday night the board of trustees hired Tiffany Kapeka von Keltz as the new principal at the middle school. She replaces Steve Vowles who will be the new principal at Atherton High School. A Hawaii native, von Keltz was born in Kona and raised in Hilo. The family moved to […]

Goodrich ACT tops in Genesee county school districts

Goodrich-ACT scores released last month by state education officials has the district students on top in the county in three of five catagories. Goodrich scores dipped in math from 21.1 to 20.4 percent. However, the ACT scores jumped in reading from 20.2 to 21.8 percent; English from 20.3 to 21.7 percent and science from 20.6 […]

Wheelock drain project to begin in spring 2016

Goodrich- Progress on the dilapidated century-old Wheelock & Watkins Drain is inching forward this summer. Jim Gerth, director of surface water management for the Genesee County Drain Office, said the property surveys where the drain improvements are needed have been completed. ‘We have a proposed route of the new drain,? said Gerth. ‘The next step […]

Neighbor, boaters save man from Bald Eagle Lake

Brandon Twp.-Mondo Lopez is a strong swimmer and an experienced fisherman’confident in a boat or wading a Michigan river. But the events on a calm, warm Sunday afternoon on a busy Bald Eagle Lake will alter those outdoor activities forever. ‘I told her, ‘I don’t need that life jacket,?? said Lopez, 62, who was visiting […]

New scoreboard

Goodrich-When the Martian nine take the field next spring, knowing the score will be easy thanks to a local business. Eariler this year, Jeff Dawley, owner of Atlas Real Estate, 8491 South State Road, Goodrich, donated a new and improved scoreboard for the baseball field located behind the high school. ‘We appreciate the continued support […]

School board OKs new Hegel Road sign

Goodrich-It’s been 10 years since the old school sign, which utilized magnetic letters, was razed and a new marquee came to life just before homecoming 2005. ‘Since then a decade of Michigan winters had taken its toll on the school sign,? said Michelle Imbrunone, district superintendent. ‘We have spent money on keeping the sign going […]

DNR youth demonstration days

On Aug.5, from 4-8 p.m., the Ortonville Shooting Range, 5320 Sawmill Lake Road, will host Demonstration Days at the Ortonville Recreation Area. Mentored youth hunting regulations require that mentors ensure the hunting devices properly fitted and suited to the youth hunter under the age of 10. The Demonstration Day evening event gives young hunters a […]

Where’s the fire?

Goodrich-On Monday afternoon, Atlas Township Fire Chief Fred Forys was on a test drive of some used firefighting equipment. ‘I finally have a vehicle to take out to a fire,? said Forys, Forys? one horse power ride to a fire is the project of Bill Rausch, village resident and collector of antique fire equipment, who […]

New times for Good Times in Goodrich

On Aug. 1, Good Times in Goodrich returns for a day of fun for the whole family. ‘It’s a day shorter and three weeks earlier this year, but we’ve packed it with more vendors and some new activities in Goodrich,? said Jenny McKenzie, committee chairwoman. At 8 a.m. the weekend will kick off with the […]

County road commissioners to be elected

Next year road commission representation will take on a new look. The Genesee County Board of Commissioners voted on June 15 to change how the five county road commissioners are installed. Currently, the road commissioners are appointed for six year terms by the nine county commissioners. However, starting in 2016 the road commissioners, who provide […]