After 18 seasons, Goodrich Varsity Football Head Coach Tom Alward started the 2010 season out right’with his 100th win. Alward, 57, started as an assistant JV football coach at Flint Central High School in 1977 and went on to assistant varsity football coach at Bendel High School before coming to Goodrich in 1993. ‘It’s been […]
Groveland Twp.- Communications for area firefighters will be much improved thanks to a new radio system that came online last week. The 800MHz radio system, a combination of traditional two-way radio technology and computer-controlled transmitters, was introduced by Township Fire Chief Steve McGee during the township meeting on Monday night. . The system’s main advantage […]
Francine Parry accomplished more than just a decent workout running on her treadmill Wednesday morning. The monotony of jogging in place coupled with a passion for the Regis and Kelly show paid some decent dividends at about 9:20 a.m. The show airs locally at 9 a.m. on WXYZ Channel 7 Detroit. ‘I’ve been watching the […]
Just weeks before the Atlas Township Planning Commission grapples with recommendations for an ordinance to contend with medical marijiuana in the community’two raids of area medical marijuana dispensaries may make even foggier an already hazy issue. ‘What’s happening around us regarding medical marijuana is raising more questions than answers. Where do we go? ? asked […]
Goodrich-A $15.4 million bond extension OK’d by the district last month may sweeten district coffers following a special school board meeting on Tuesday night. By a 7-0 vote, the board passed a resolution to apply for Quality School Construction Bonds that if approved would drop the projected interest rate from about 5.125 percent down to […]
At 8 a.m., Sept. 21, Coats Village Funeral Home, 135 South St., Ortonville, invites veterans and their spouses to join them for a free breakfast and a bus trip to Holly’s Great Lakes National Cemetery for a personal tour of the property. Great Lakes National Cemetery is the second national cemetery built in Michigan and […]
A village land owner is questioning the procedure as to how public officials notify citizens when an ordinance is in violation. Atlas Township resident Al Ryden, who owns the building and property at 8223 State Road, said he received a phone call from someone claiming to be the village code enforcement officer last month. The […]
Brandon Twp.- An area developer has confirmed a national retail store will break ground in October near the corner of M-15 and the entrance to Brandon High School. Local developer Mike Riddle, of township-based Rison Construction and Lockwood LLC, said Dollar General received site plan approval from the township planning commission on Aug. 10 with […]
Lose the race, lose your ride. There’s an auto racing concept where racers bet their car’s ‘pink slip? or registration on one trip down a quarter-mile. The loser walks home. The concept spawned from street racing was moved to cable television a few years ago on the Speed Channel on Fox Sports. From those beginnings […]
Hadley Township resident Debbie Ford noticed the two dogs while walking a trail in the Ortonville Recreation Area. ‘They were very scared and quite skittish,? said Ford, a township resident for 18 years and owner of four dogs. ‘It looked like someone built them a small shelter and left plastic bowls for food and water. […]