Longtime area dealership closed for now

After more than 18 years Larry Simms Chevrolet has locked its doors, at least for now. ‘I’m not dead yet, but right now we’re looking for investors and uses for this building and property,? said Simms. ‘Hopefully we can reshuffle and reorganize and keep going. The situation with General Motors is a ‘David and Goliath? […]

Village sewer bill resolution contested by resident

Goodrich-Residents delinquent on their sewer bills will now be notified by the village three months after their bill was due following a 3-1 council vote on Feb. 8. The notices will go out three months after bills are delinquent, rather than six months, as the have done in the past. If the bills go unpaid […]

Township man arraigned in home invasion

An 18-year-old Brandon Township man caught stealing from a township home ran, but couldn’t hide. John Lawrence Elwell, a 2009 Brandon High School graduate, was arraigned Feb. 25 on a charge of home invasion, first degree, in front of 52-2 District Court Judge Kelley Kostin. According to police reports, Brandon deputies responded to a home […]

School board president takes aim at county commissioner seat

After more than 15 years on the Brandon School Board, Beth Nuccio has officially announced her candidacy for District 1 Oakland County Commissioner. Nuccio, will run as a Republican in the Aug. 3 primary election. The district includes about 50,000 residents, covering Addison, Brandon, Groveland, and Oxford townships in addition to villages of Oxford, Leonard, […]

School mega conference eyed by Goodrich

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich- A new super athletic conference consisting of 17 area schools is currently under consideration, following a spring meeting of Genesee County superintendents. The board voted 6-1 to continue a dialogue, but not necessarly join to form the new conference, named the Greater Flint Area Conference, which included schools from the […]

Goodrich enrollment dips following district count

By David Fleet Editor The Goodrich School District posted an enrollment decline following the Feb.10 district-wide count. The count was delayed one day from Feb.9, due to a snow day. The enrollment declined by 20 students to 2,114 students with the high school losing six students, the middle school three, Oaktree Elementary down four and […]

Riding the wind wave

By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.- Change is in the wind for at least one area home and business. Dave and Judi Pearce, owners of Amazing Wings Therapeutic Riding Center at Hawk Nest Ranch, 9500 S. State Road, are moving forward with a plan to utilize wind energy to power their home and barn, combined […]

Board questions firefighter cost-of-living pay

By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.- About 30 paid-on-call township firefighters will receive a 2.7 percent cost-of-living index adjustment despite the adjustment being nixed last year as part of the union contract. The board voted 5-0 to approve the adjustment, however, several trustees questioned whether the cost-of-living pay should have been authorized. Township Fire Chief […]

Former township resident, attorney seeks judgeship

Kevin Rush, a former Atlas Township resident and a Flint area attorney for more than 21 years, announced his candidacy to replace 67th District Court Judge Richard Hughes of the Burton Division, who will retire this year. Hughes will turn 70 this year and under state must retire due to his age. Rush, a township […]

School district property stays on market

School property valued at more than $1.1 million has been for sale more than six months with no buyer in sight. ‘We’ve had some interested parties on both sites but no offers,? said Rich Mahoney, of Real Estate One Professionals of Brandon Township, who is listing the properties for the school district. About six individuals […]