Whose land is it anyway?

Dwight Watros is worried about the barbed wire fence at the back of his property in Orion Township. Beyond the old cow fence is the Paint Creek Trail. On a nice afternoon, through a thin line of trees, runners, cyclists and walkers can be seen. Watros has always mowed his grass all the way to […]

It’s time to nominate Citizen of the Year

Who do you know that goes above and beyond in Orion? They probably deserve a pat on the back. Here’s how. It’s that time of year for the Orion community to start thinking about one particular person whose service is singularly commendable in the past year. Based on the previous years? outstanding community participation, The […]

Rotary is off and running with first fundraiser

The Rotary Club is known for their good deeds worldwide over a span of decades. Here in Lake Orion, the two-year club is growing up and holding their first major fundraiser, the 1st Annual Dual-a-Thon, on Saturday, July 11 at Atwater Park. Registration for the biking and running event will take place 7:30 to 8:30 […]

Township workshop helps educates public about storm drains

Rain and sprinkler water can pick up all sorts of nasty things in its journey through grass, over pavement and, finally, down into the storm system. From there, the water goes back into our waterways and, ultimately, into our homes. That’s why each year Orion Township holds a Storm Drain Marking Workshop to help educate […]

Visually impaired woman hits a hole-in-one

Sue Connors couldn’t even see the hole. Legally blind since birth, Connors was on a company golf outing and had to have the fellows on her team point her in the right direction while teeing off on the second hole. Hit the ball that way, they said. Connors, a Lake Orion resident, took a whack […]

Ingram’s antiques going, going, gone

Jim Ingram was known around town as a chronicler of Lake Orion history and a collector of antiques. While most of the photos and other materials related to his historical research have been donated to the Orion library, the general public will have the opportunity to take a crack at some of the antiques. Items […]

Parrot Poker deals players, charities a winning hand

Poker playing conjures up an image of cigar smoke lifting from a green felt table strewn with whisky bottles, rough men flipping the table when a cheater is discovered. But the new poker playing establishment in Lake Orion is anything but an Old West cliche. There’s no smoking or drinking at the Parrot Charity Poker […]

We got it!

General Motors officially announced that the currently idled Orion Assembly Plant has been chosen to build a new, as of yet unnamed, small car. A total of 1,400 jobs will be saved: 1,200 at the plant and 200 and the stamping facility in Pontiac, which will be involved in the manufacturing of the automobile. The […]

Orion Township paves way for electric cars

In the Orion of the future, where are you going to power up your flying electric Jetsons car? Well, if a recent action by the township board of trustees is any indication of how new technologies will be approached, there will be plenty of places. The board voted 7-0 to approve spending $1,600 at their […]

What Counts: A column from your editor

We all know how the Internet started, right? After Al Gore lost the 2000 election (or after it was swiped from him, if you’re a rabid donkey), he grew a beard and went underground–literally. Armed with a pick-axe, Gore created the serious of interconnected tubes where the wires were laid. ‘It’s like a web,? he […]