Lend a Hand

What buys two mochas in the U.S. buys so much more in Africa. For the cost of two mochas, a mere $7, one of the following costs would be covered: 21 orphans housed for a day, one month’s worth of life-saving drugs supplied to help someone with HIV/Aids, or provide seven Africans with clean water […]

Local women step up

There are approximately 3 million women in the U.S. living with breast cancer (2 million diagnosed, one million undiagnosed). According to the American Cancer Society, an estimated one out of seven women in the U.S. will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. Each year, thousands of women and men make a commitment to help end […]

Lend a Hand, a Column by Michelle Phaup

Katie Scheu found Erica Cale’s mission to help people facing poverty in Honduras and her presentation at the Clarkston Methodist Church about her organization, ‘Helping Heart Helping Hands,? so enthusing that she mentioned it to her teacher. The timing was perfect. Kelly Bertin was seeking a community project for the six grade students of Sashabaw […]