News in weather, weight fill the airwaves

By Jim Sherman, Sr. The same day the news media was filled with snowfall warnings, our government issued warnings on “changes we should make right now!” I guarantee the snow warnings were heeded quicker and with more action than the “changes.” We were promised a foot of snow in one breath, and a promise of […]

Just jotting about one-room schoolhouses

By Jim Sherman Sr. (This Jottings was first published on Thursday, March 21, 1984.) Think about it! Time magazine, which makes such a big thing of it’s covers, showed a one-room school as a lead to their coverage on “America’s schools are getting better.” Too, the campaign by school-conscious people called “We Care” has as […]

DNA links father to son and son to father?

By Don Rush I never gave much thought to the scientific study of how particular qualities or traits are transmitted from parents to offspring. Wel, never is a long time, I will say until I became a father I never gave it much thought. Needless to say, deep contemplation on that subject (nor really any […]

Keep your charity local

Keep your charity local

Last week, I encouraged everyone reading my column to shop locally as much as possible this Christmas season. This week, I’m encouraging everyone to do the same thing when it comes to their charitable giving. Local charity is without a doubt the best charity and it’s the only charity I personally support or endorse. What […]

‘For hate is strong and mocks the song…’

‘For hate is strong and mocks the song…’

Peace on earth and good will to men. Holiday seasons always seem to get mucked up because of some whack-job somewhere is hellbent on destruction. I know it is a hard concept for me to grasp, but, the world isn’t on Dandy Don Rush’s blue-sky and sunshine schedule. It outta be, but alas, it ain’t […]

From plowing snow to bashing government

From plowing snow to bashing government

From the Jim’s Jotting Archives. This column was first published on Dec. 10, 2008 So far this fall I’ve got on my little John Deere tractor, snow blade in place, and pushed the snow aside twice. It wasn’t so long ago I’d complain to myself, bemoaning the task at hand . . . that of […]

Pellentesque dictum luctus ant quis tincidunt

Nullam fringilla posuere enim a auctor. Nunc sagittis interdum nibh sit amet dictum. Proin ipsum justo, laoreet vitae placerat in, semper quis dolor. Pellentesque ut purus urna. Curabitur nec eros in massa euismod ullamcorper. Sed quis diam sed mauris auctor placerat sit amet ac lacus. Nulla ac mauris eu ipsum iaculis lacinia. Pellentesque dictum luctus […]

Nulla hendrerit fringilla tempor

Nulla hendrerit fringilla tempor

Nullam fringilla posuere enim a auctor. Nunc sagittis interdum nibh sit amet dictum. Proin ipsum justo, laoreet vitae placerat in, semper quis dolor. Pellentesque ut purus urna. Curabitur nec eros in massa euismod ullamcorper. Sed quis diam sed mauris auctor placerat sit amet ac lacus. Nulla ac mauris eu ipsum iaculis lacinia. Pellentesque dictum luctus […]