By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Learn From Home will have a few changes next school year. “Currently we have 130 students, and that includes Summit, and a majority of those are Brandon Learn From Home with Brandon teachers,” said superintendent Dr. Karl Heidrich. “Enrollment is much lower than we had in the past, we […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer It may only be July, but the Ortonville Community Emergency Fund is preparing for back-to-school time. “Again this year the OCEF along with the Christian Service Office at St. Anne will be collecting school supplies to assist our pantry clients with school-age children,” said Karyn Milligan, St. Anne’s Christian service […]
Blessing Box (In response to ‘Blessing Box: ‘Take what you need, leave what you can’, The Citizen, July 10, page 1) Dear Editor: Hi, my name is Karyn Milligan, and I am the Director of the OCEF Food Pantry which is located here in Ortonville at St. Anne Church. I was very happy to read […]
BRANDON TOWNSHIP NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING August 2nd – 7:00 P.M. Will hold a Public Hearing within its Regular scheduled meeting Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462 For the purpose of receiving public comment on: Special Assessment District for Upper Bushman Lake S.A.D. #3 Including Initial Escrow and Use of Surplus from […]
GROVELAND TOWNSHIP NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Groveland Township Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a Public Hearing, on August 10th, 2021 at 7:00pm, at the Groveland Township office and via ZOOM: Meeting ID: 876 6681 9905 Passcode: Groveland Phone #: (312) 626-6799 The Purpose of this public hearing is as follows: · PH21-0007: Gary […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- On Monday, the township board of trustees approved for second reading amendments to the townships accessory building ordinance with a 4-3 vote. Trustees Bob Marshall, Dana DePalma, and clerk Roselyn Blair voted against it. Previously, members of the board took issue with the state regulating accessory buildings in […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- During the regular Monday night meeting, the board of trustees passed a Marijuana Caregiver Ordinance, 6-1. They also passed amendments to the C-4 Mixed Business and the Generalized Industrial districts zoning. Trustee Bob Marshall voted against the ordinance and amendments. The ordinance would restrict caregivers growing marijuana for […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer On Monday night, the Ortonville Village Council voted 6-0 to approve a resolution asking Oakland County to use $25 million of the American Rescue Plan funds they are set to receive to fund phase 1 of a major sewer project. Council member Tony Randazzo was absent with notice. If approved, […]
(In response to, Memorial Day stench,” a letter by Pat George, The Citizen, June 6, page 6.) Pure smoke—solution needed Dear Editor, I agree 100 percent. Not that I do not think people should not be allowed a camp fire now and then, however the burning is way out of control! Every day we have […]