Ortonville- Buyers beware. The real estate market has bargains galore right now amidst a flood of foreclosures and plummeting home values, but in the village, two brand new homes will be more than just a bargain for the lucky buyers. Construction on the homes located at 61 Narrin St. and 174 Ball St. will be […]
Brandon Twp.- Julie Boadway was one of many football fans in the stands Aug. 28, watching the Brandon Junior Blackhawks on their way to an easy home win over the Lapeer Steelers. Suddenly, it became more than just a game as she saw the boy wearing jersey #31, her son Matt Beaudry, take to the […]
Brandon Twp.- A recent township survey found an overwhelming number of respondents agree that police services are very important, but only half of them would be willing to pay an additional $28 per year to keep from reducing the number of officers. These were among the clearest results of a township fiscal priorities survey distributed […]
Brandon Twp.- After several months of workshops, a three-year budget plan was rolled out during the township board’s latest strategic planning meeting Aug. 30. Boardmembers ticked down a list of multiple changes aimed at saving close to $500,000 over the next three years, which includes alterations to nine line items in revenue, and 56 expenditure […]
Brandon Twp.- The local cable station, OTV, and its staff including Coordinator Greg Normand, has received an evaluation that is mostly positive. The review of the cable access station was conducted by Jeff Malicke, the Brandon High School broadcasting teacher, earlier this summer and Township Supervisor Kathy Thurman released the report this week. ‘We feel […]
Groveland Township officials continue to explore their options for law enforcement, and will now also consider consolidating fire services with other area townships. Township Supervisor Bob DePalma plans to meet with officials from Rose Township, Holly Township and the Village of Holly at 6:30 p.m., Sept. 23, at the North Oakland County Fire Authority, 5051 […]
Brandon Twp.- It’s a conundrum? township residents don’t want higher taxes, but they don’t want their services reduced, either. Police protection in the township is already falling, says Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. and Brandon Substation Commander Pete Burkett, who is urging township officials to levy the full police millage to save two positions they […]
In the southeast part of Tennessee, nestled among the Appalachian Mountains, far from main thoroughfares, is the isolated town of Copperhill, population roughly 500. It was to this area that 43 teens and seven adults from Hillside Bible Church in Ortonville traveled last month to assist poor, elderly residents. ‘The work our teens were doing […]
A 39-year-old Brandon Township man has been arraigned on charges of home invasion and domestic violence. David Earl Greer, Jr. was arraigned Aug. 25 by 52-2 District Court Judge Kelley Kostin on one count of home invasion first degree, a 20-year felony, and one count of domestic violence, a 93-day misdemeanor. According to police reports, […]
The mean streets of Ortonville will receive some kindness soon. Weather cooperating, South Street will be repaved on Thursday from M-15 to the bridge just north of the library, said Village Manager Larry Brown. On Friday, Narrin Street between Mill and Myron streets and Ball Street between Cedar Street and the bridge will also be […]