Of current events . . .

So, by a show of hands out there, how many think less of Michael Moore since his Oscar performance? For those who share a disdain of the rotund, unshaven, unkept, baseball hat toting film director from Flint, check out this website: www.moorewatch.com Ignore the plea to send money. I did. * * * Anne Goodwin, […]

Just Jotting

Remember the crying, venom spewing and insults hurled at Governor Engler when he proposed a cut in grants to the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, museums and other so-called cultural organizations? Engler was depicted as the lowest form of life, a man crueler than cruel, wicked, unmoral, without feeling and hater of the arts. Now comes Governor […]

From The Clarkston News Archives

15 YEARS AGO (1988) ·At least one local government official was unhappy with a March 22 decision to exclude township officials and announced candidates for office from COG meetings except when invited. Carol Balzarini, an Independence Township trustee and five-year member of the planning commission, had attended several meetings of the newly formed COG, Citizens […]

Volunteers aim to raise $153,000

If volunteers can raise more than $153,000 in donations of cash and in-kind services, a new “spray park” will add to the amenities at Clintonwood Park. The Independence Township Board approved the “concept” on Tuesday, March 18, with the understanding that trustees must give approval for construction when the money has been raised. Mike Turk, […]

Spray park to honor former camp counselor

A warm sunny day with kids splashing in a spray park is a great way to honor the memory of former day camp counselor Renee Przybylski, according to those who knew her. “If you can imagine the most sweetest, happiest person, that was Renee,” said Kelly Arcello, Independence Township recreation programmer and a former classmate […]

Assessment notice goof leads to more review meetings

While calling it “beyond our control,” Independence Township officials have apologized for late assessment increase notices and have scheduled additional board of review sessions. Officials have confirmed that “some” notices did not go out 10 days before the first meeting of the township board of review, as mandated by law. The issue came to light […]

Local therapist speaks on dealing with the Iraq war

Seeing our country go to war can have different effects on different people, according to therapist Stan Garwood from Garwood and Associates in Clarkston. “As far as adults are concerned I put them into two categories: those who know somebody who is over in the Middle East fighting and those who don’t,” Garwood said. The […]

Township grapples with ‘sensitive information

Independence Township officials will attempt to develop a “sensitive materials” policy that does not violate the Freedom of Information Act. Trustee Daniel Travis has raised the issue of whether township officials might inadvertently contribute to potential “identity theft.” He became concerned that trustees have received documents such as liquor license applications with information such as […]

Bibliophiles and the Internet

By Robert Bondy I am an avid reader for both pleasure and work – and yes, I find computer manuals as dull and boring as you do.With my chosen profession, I have been closely watching the development of the eBook or electronic book market. There are 3 aspects to reading a book on your computer […]

Gargaro’s World

I am the definition of a sports fanatic. I love to watch sports, play sports and read about sports. As such, March is usually a great month for me due in large part to the NCAA basketball tournament. The tournament, which is dubbed March Madness, usually preoccupies all my free time. Filling out the brackets […]