Road commission announces local road work

It’s time to roll out the orange barrels, as the Road Commission for Oakland County has announced planned road construction for the 2003 season. One major project is ongoing from last year, and motorists should ‘expect delays.? Dixie Highway between I-75 and Davisburg Road in Springfield Township is being widened from four lanes to five, […]

Springfield OKs ‘No Haz? despite liability concerns

Springfield Township officials held their noses and voted yes last week to join a cooperative program to collect and dispose of household hazardous waste. Trustees had previously endorsed the concept of the North Oakland Household Hazardous Waste Consortium (dubbed ‘No Haz?), but last-minute haggling over liability insurance led to a Thursday, April 10 debate over […]

Math materials aim to satisfy students, governments

(Note: The following is the second in a series on how school officials review and propose new curricula, textbooks and other educational materials for Clarkston Community Schools.) When developing new curricula and recommending new textbooks, teachers and administrators say they must consider not only what to teach, but how to teach it. In addition, they […]

Board OKs textbook purchases

The Clarkston Community Schools Board of Education approved the purchase of the following textbooks and materials on Monday, April 14: ‘U.S. History ? ‘The Americans? (published by McDouglas Littell) at a total cost of $44,617. ? Japanese (levels 1-4) ? ‘Adventures in Japanese? with workbooks (published by Cheng & Tsui Company) at a total cost […]

Springfield group combines gardening, friendships

What started off as a way to meet people in the community has turned into something much bigger for one Springfield resident. Mary Bertolini, who moved to Springfield Township seven years ago, is the founder and president of the Springfield chapter of the Woman’s National Farm and Garden Association. The group is only four years […]

Reporter at Large

From the new government in Iraq to advertisements for ‘new and improved? cleaning products, we have a natural attraction to new things. It’s fascinating to see what the latest technology has made possible, whether in home improvement, entertainment and even media. Spring, of course, brings a new season, with new flowers, new leaves on the […]

Letter To The Editor

Dear Editor, War in Iraq, interminable power delays and the IRS deadline have made for a memorable spring for many residents. There are several developments that may be of interest to township residents. May 1 is an important date for property owners to have their Homestead Affidavit on file in the Assessors Office at township […]

Letter To The Editor

Dear Editor, On May 10 and 17 the Department of Public Works (DPW) will be hosting the annual spring cleanup campaign. On the 17th, household hazardous waste will also be collected. Information about the hours, materials accepted, fees an be obtained by calling the DPW at 625-8222. There will be a nominal fee for the […]

Affirmative Action debate set in Clarkston

One of the most far-reaching Supreme Court cases ever will be heard on the historic clash of ideas on Affirmative Action. This Supreme Court case pertains to one of Michigan’s foremost institutions and will be covered by media across the nation with the final outcome having nationwide effect. In honor of this momentous decision, the […]

Village Players to perform for youth assistance

Clarkston Area Youth Assistance is proud to present a benefit play by the Clarkston Village Players in their presentation of the R. T. Robinson play, ‘Cover of Life.? The play will be presented Wednesday, May 7, at 7:30 p.m. at the Depot Theater. Your support will help benefit many area youth and provide you with […]