Hearing for CDBG funds

To use Community Development Block Grant funds to purchase site amenities for Meek’s Park, it’s necessary to reprogram some existing funds. The Village of Lake Orion’s 2002 application for CDBG funds requested $9,542 and identified Atwater Park as the location where those funds would be spent.. To use a portion of those funds for Meek’s […]

From The Lake Orion Review Archives

Ten Years Ago April 21, 1993 ~~~Citing civil rights violations, former Orion Township Deputy Treasurer Diane Dewey is suing the township and individually, current treasurer Suzanne Hall. ~~~Early figures show the Lake Orion School District would have a shortfall of $429,000 if Governors? tax proposal (Proposal A) passes June 8. ~~~Orion Township, including the Village […]


I think I was about five when one of my grandparents died. It’s funny, I can’t remember if it was my grandmother or my grandfather, but I remember things about the funeral. The body was laid out in a casket in the living room (the first room you came into when you walk in the […]

Local brings news from abroad

Last week I ran an editorial written by a Romanian about Americans. If you are one (American) it was positive. This week, Oxford entrepreneur Henry Gleisner (German born) reports. Methinks you’ll find this interesting. * * * I returned last week from a month’s trip to Europe. Starting in Germany, I found the anti-American propaganda […]

Letter To The Editor

Dear Editor, Well, what do you know, our township supervisor Gerald Dywasuk has decided township citizens are going to get clean up relief from the April 4-5 ice storm that hit this area. You know Mister Dywasuk, or would you rather be called Mister Supervisor, if this township had a disaster plan to begin with […]

Letter To The Editor

Dear Editor, We are seeking support for a very special project that we are working on. Last June, something tragic happened in Lake Orion. A young boy, only 14, was killed in a car accident on Heights Road. Perhaps you read the story in the newspaper or heard about it on TV. Recently, some of […]

Just Jotting

Many times I’ve told our son Jim to not spend a lot of money on my funeral. Keep it short and simple, I say. There won’t be many people there and don’t bore them. Don’t spend a lot of money to put me away. Well, I think Jim got a little tired hearing it. Recently […]

From The Lake Orion Review

Monday, April 14, check fraud at Northern Wholesale on Brown Road. A bicycle was stolen from the front of the Kroger store on Baldwin Road. Illegal dumping on Jordan. Retail fraud at Ace Hardware on Baldwin. Family trouble on May Center. Drunken driving and driving with a suspended license arrest on Maybee Road. Marijuana possession […]

School district targets student success

Back in January 2002, President George W. Bush signed into law No Child Left Behind — the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. NCLB requires states to set target goals for Adequate Yearly Progress based on 2001-02 achievement data. States must ‘raise the bar? for AYP each year to meet the NCLB goal […]

Tennis players come up short

The Lake Orion High School varsity boys tennis team is midway through the season and doing well, despite a loss to new rivals Farmington on April 16. Farmington is new to the OAA league, and the Dragons lost to the team 5-3 at LOHS. Winning a singles match for Lake Orion was Kuba Swierszczuk, defeating […]