The Orion Area Parade Group needs some big help for the Orion Area Holiday Lighted Parade on Dec. 6. One of the main fundraisers, the Holly Jolly Folly, has been canceled. Now, the event for the parade that is scheduled for Nov. 22 at the Hamlin Pub will be called The Holly Jolly Lighted Parade […]
Orion Township Treasurer James Marleau is now one of 52 members of the Association of Public Treasurers of the United States and Canada awarded the Association’s Certified Municipal Finance Administrator (CMFA) credential in 2002/2003. Marleau was formally recognized for this achievement during the Association’s 38th Annual Conference in Washington, DC, which he did not attend. […]
Those attending Orion Township Board of Trustee meetings at the township hall will soon find more comfortable seating in the board room. The township board voted on Nov. 17 to purchase 100 new chairs for the township hall, along with a dolly, at a cost of $59.73 per chair, plus $3.50 per chair for shipping. […]
According to his aunt Beth Hargraves, four-year-old Trevor Maizland is like any other boy his age, with a love for macaroni-and-cheese and superheroes like Batman and Spiderman. The only difference is Maizland has been battling Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) since he was diagnosed in June. He began chemotherapy immediately, and went into remission, but relapsed […]
Lake Orion High School is at it again with another sidesplitting comedy — or is it? Old friends are called to the extravagant home of Elsa Von Grossenkneuten, trying to get a musical off the ground and onto Broadway. Only one problem…thunder crashes, lights out…Who’s dead? Secret passages, a drunk, a lovesick puppy make us […]
Mark Nov. 29 on your calendars. That’s when the Christmas season officially begins in the village with the opening of Downtown Lake Orion’s second annual Lighted Holiday Village. Christmas lights in the downtown district will be will be turned on and patrons will hear the beginning of month-long festive holiday music broadcasts. Special events this […]
How can you not love those oddball catalogs that show up in the mail every so often. Harriet Carter, since 1958, has been selling those interesting gifts that you don’t find anywhere else. Here’s some samples: Holiday Dress-Up Dog — This 11 inch high poly/resin dog has a hat for all seasons. He can wear […]
Ted Nugent and the National Rifle Association need to be put in their places. Our senators were elected by the majority of Michigan taxpayers, not by Nugent and the NRA. Nugent and the NRA are a bunch of bullies that need to know who runs this state. Nugent and the NRA are a real bunch […]
Kudos to State Representative Ruth Johnson who has courageously taken on the powerful, arrogant, overpaid and underachieving Oakland County Intermediate School District administration. Unfortunately we will not be able to solve the poor level of the education of our “kids” (and at the same time the state deficit) unless we will drastically reform and reduce […]
Do only some persons know of the state law(s) that gives Orion Township the right to put money that has been collected from property taxes for the township library into the township’s General Fund? If Jim Marleau and/or Al Barnes, the township’s treasurer and deputy treasurer, could take some time to put so reasoning in […]