Shock AAU tryouts set

The Shock AAU Girls Basketball Club tryouts are scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 7, at Lake Orion High School. Different ages will try out at the following times: 10-and-under thru 13-and-under at 9 a.m., and 14-and-under thru 18-and-under at 12:30 p.m. Tryout fees are $10 per player. For more information, please call 248-377-8711 or 248-693-8943 or […]

Leader collects food for Oxford/Orion FISH

The Oxford Leader is currently collecting non-perishable food items for Oxford/Orion FISH to distribute to local needy familes during the holidays. Canned goods, boxed items, etc. can be dropped off at our 666 S. Lapeer Rd. office during normal business hours – 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 a.m. to noon […]

Christmas party for seniors

The Rotary Club of Oxford invites senior citizens from the Oxford School District to a Christmas party at Oxford Hills Golf and Country Club, on Drahner Rd., on Tuesday, Dec. 9, at noon. Doors open at 11 a.m. A shuttle service from your car to the door will be provided. The event is free and […]

New substation commander has “Open Door” policy

There’s a new face in Addison Township – Sgt. Pete Burkett, of the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department, has taken command of the Addison Township Substation. “I’m very excited to serve the community here,” said Burkett. “I enjoy working in a rural area. I live in a small area myself, I was a patrolman and detective […]

And the winner is Megan Kerin!

Congratulations to Oxford resident Megan Kerin for submitting the winning design in the annual Sherman Publications Christmas Carol Book drawing contest. The seven-year-old’s heart-warming picture of a group of Christmas carolers adorns the cover of this year’s Carol Book. In addition to becoming a famous local artist, Kerin won a stocking filled to the brim […]

Council votes to repay Justice Department

A check for $31,203.35 from the Village of Oxford will soon be heading to U.S. Department of Justice. At a special meeting Thursday night, council voted unanimously to pay the village’s 22.83 percent portion of the $136,677 the Oxford Public Fire and EMS Commission owes for misused Community Oriented Policing Services grant funds paid to […]

Shoe boxes full of Christmas cheer

Over the past three weeks, students at Oxford Middle School collected 442 shoe boxes filled to the brim with gifts for needy children as a part of the school’s annual participation in Operation Christmas Child. “This is a good community service project for the kids to do,” said co-organizer and Life Skills Teacher Sarah Clark. […]

Goodrich carrier reaches million-mile mark

Goodrich ? Neither rain, snow, sleet, or dog bites have kept Judy Jones from logging one million miles of mail delivery. Jones was recently awarded the National Safety Council’s ‘Million Mile? award, commemorating her safety record during 32 years of service. Technically, no one knows for sure how many miles Jones has driven. The NSC […]

The Civitans have arrived

Boasting 23 charter members, the new Great Oaks Civitan Club is up, running and ready to serve others. The club held its charter meeting Thursday, Nov. 20 at Kalloway’s Restaurant and Pub. “I was really surprised how fast it came together,” said Civitan Michigan District Governor Joyce Scafe, who’s also a Great Oaks charter member. […]

OPFEC approves fire and police budgets

The Oxford Public Fire and EMS Commission last week approved its 2004 fire and police budgets. Commissioners approved a $938,738 budget for Oxford Fire Department operations – $827,291 for fire expenses and $111,447 for EMS expenses. Fire expenses consist of $532,143 for personnel; $9,075 for administration; $36,660 for supplies; $13,617 for vehicle supplies; $15,550 for […]