The Clarkston Farm & Garden Club would like to extend an enormous THANK YOU to the entire Clarkston Community for their generous support at our 12th Annual Greens Market. By decking your halls with our wreaths, roping and fresh greenery arrangements you allow us to continue to Help Clarkston Bloom! Thank you to the following […]
It’s a boast offered by several Clarkston businesses, but Union General has a unique claim on the term “unique,” and customers appear to agree. “Business has been good,” owner Ann Stevenson said. “The weekends have been really busy.” The Main Street shop has been open six years, and there is a growing list of regular […]
The first urge was to lament about the many things causing annoyance and extensive stress during a season supposedly devoted to “Peace on Earth.” Editor Kyle has already covered some of that ground (go ahead and read it — he needs at least two or three more readers), so it’s up to your humble reporter […]
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS WATERSHED PRESERVE FENCING ADDISON TOWNSHIP, MICHIGAN Sealed bids will be received by Addison Township at the office of Pauline Sennett, Township Clerk, 1440 Rochester Rd., Leonard, Michigan, 48367, until 10:00 A.M., local time, Monday, December 22, 2003 for Watershed Preserve Fencing Proposed construction includes but is not limited to the installation of […]
The debate as to what to do with the old Springfield Township Hall continues. After a meeting between Supervisor Collin Walls and eight local residents, most representing service groups or organizations, a small committee has been formed to look into the possibility of not selling the hall and instead using it for community activities. The […]
CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF OXFORD COUNTY OF OAKLAND MICHIGAN SYNOPSIS Of the Regular Meeting o? the Chatter Township of Oxford Board of Trustees held on November 25th, 2003 at the Oxford veterans Memorial Civic Center. PRESENT: Trustee Clancy, Supervisor Dunn, Trustee Dywasuk, Treasurer Ferrari, Trustee Fitchena, Trustee Kniffen ABSENT: Clerk Sanderson The following actions were taken: […]
By day they’re Clarkston High School teachers. But after that last school bell rings they step into the role of thespian and take the stage. Well, at least for the past six weeks they have, since rehearsal began. For nearly 20 years, CHS faculty have presented an annual play for all to enjoy, with proceeds […]
Clarkston Community Schools will pay $34,450 to remove asbestos from portions of the Community Education/Renaissance High School building before planned renovations are done. The school board Monday voted to pay $24,450 to the low bidder, Dependent Environmental Services, and up to $10,000 for Michigan Environmental Auditors, the firm which developed specifications for the asbestos removal. […]
Vince Belevender is proud of the work the Knights of Columbus in Clarkston have accomplished. The current Grand Knight has been with the Catholic organization for 10 years, and has seen thousands of dollars go towards people in need. “We are a family organization. Our main function is to be family-oriented and give to charity.” […]
You’ve been invited to a party at Clarkston Community Church, and it takes place on stage this Sunday, Dec. 14 at 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Worship Pastor Michael Anderson, and his wife, Dawn, wrote the program, inspired by music and narration from “A Christmas Invitation: Come Just As You Are,” written by David T. […]