Supervisor: Jerry Dywasuk (R)…2,372 Richard Tomczak (R)…1,870 Clerk: Jill Bastian (R)…2,485 Penny Shults (R)…1,632 Michelle Lindow (R)…264 Treasurer: Alice Young (R)…2,198 Niles Olson (R)…1,910 Trustee: Michael Gingell (R)…3,202 Matthew Gibb (R)…2,697 John Garlicki (R)…2,399 John Steimel (R)…2,332 Will Wilsher (R)…2,045 Mark Crane (D)…547 Grank Granett (D)…519 Oakland County Commissioner 3rd District Eric Wilson (R)…2,953 Lana […]
The following candidates competed in Tuesday’s primary election for county, state and federal seats. The winners will battle members of opposing parties on Nov. 2. (R) indicates Republican, (D) Democrat and (*) indicates incumbent. Winning candidates? names are bold faced. (These are local winners only.) Orion Township Supervisor (Four year term) JERRY DYWASUK (R*) Richard […]
Lake Orion High School was taken over by the National Football League July 26-29, as the Detroit Lions brought their summer youth football camp to the LOHS varsity football field. On the camp’s final day, the children were visited by Lions punt returner, #18 Eddie Drummond (pictured).
Niagara Falls, Ontario. Whoopee! Boy there’s a lot going on in that town — a lot more than I remembered. Of course the last time your humble scribe visited said water attraction, he was with a group of smart-alec ninth graders from Sashabaw Junior High School — and that my friends was, as ancient Native […]
The Jottings that brings the most comments have to do with grandchildren and ma’dog. This week I hope to please both groups. I broke into a full-blown laugh when daughter Susan called to relate a Trevor ‘story.? She said, holding back a broad smile, ‘Trevor got kicked out of Bible School!? There was almost pride […]
NOTICE OF CONFIRMATION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO CLARKSTON MILL PONDS TAKE NOTICE that the Clarkston Mill Pond Lake Improvement Board has confirmed the Special Assessment Roll for improvements to Clarkston Mill Ponds. The Special Assessment Roll in the amount of $36,000 has been prepared for the purpose of assessing the cost of […]
RESOLUTION TO PROCEED WITH IMPROVEMENTS TO CLARKSTON MILL POND At a special meeting of the Clarkston Mill Pond Lake Improvement Board held at Independence Township Library on the 27th day of July, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. PRESENT: Gamble, Gawronski, Kelly, Kozma, Middleton ABSENT: Hobrla The following resolution was offered by member Kozma and seconded by […]
notice of public hearing The Planning Commission of Independence Township, Oakland County Michigan, will hold a Public Hearing on: August 12, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. Located at the Independence Township Library, 6495 Clarkston Road, Clarkston, Michigan, 48346 to consider the following: pc #2003-010 TEXT AMENDMENTS TO ZONING ORDINANCE #83 Planned Rezoning Overlay Article XXXI Administration […]
SYNOPSIS TAKEN BY THE TOWNSHIP BOARD THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF INDEPENDENCE Supervisor Stuart called the July 20, 2004 meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. at the Independence Township Library. Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Present: McCrary, Rosso, Stuart, Travis, Wagner, Wenger Absent: Kelly There is a quorum. 1) Approval of the Agenda as amended. 2) […]
notice of public hearing The Planning Commission of Independence Township, Oakland County Michigan, will hold a Public Hearing on: August 12, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. At the Independence Township Library, 6495 Clarkston Road, Clarkston, Michigan 48346, to consider the following: FILE #PC 2004-030 Brian J. Mruzik, Wendy’s International, Petitioner REQUEST SPECIAL LAND USE APPROVAL Wendy’s […]