Letter to the Editor

I’m wondering why we haven’t seen any letters regarding the other candidates running for office? The past two issues of The Lake Orion Review have been devoted to the same three candidates. I find it hard to believe you aren’t getting mail on any other candidates. Please don’t let your desires be the only views […]

Letter to the Editor

Orion Township needs a plan to retain employees long term. At the present time, 59 percent have been employed five years or less. Township board members have authorized three wage studies to be conducted over the past few years. The results were the same with all three studies. The employees of Orion Township are paid […]

No changes in officers

Current officers of the Lake Orion School Board will stay the same for the next year. By a unanimous vote, Leeann Bartley is the board’s president; Bob Gritzinger is vice president; Tina Peterson is the secretary; Mary Jo Burchart is treasurer.

Hagopian sweeps Junior White Division

The Hagopian Dragons recently captured the LOYBL league’s Junior White Division with a 12-1 record. This is the second year in a row that the Hagopian team has won their division title. The Dragons pitched their way to two no-hitters and five shut outs during the season, which helped them make a clean sweep in […]

Deputy Reports

Monday, July 12, domestic assault on Casemer Road. Welfare check on Meadowbrook Court. A CD player, digital video camera and bike were taken from a vehicle on Judah Road. *** Tuesday, July 13, a man who was mentally unstable at Great Lakes Athletic Club on Baldwin Road was voluntarily committed. Fraud on Hester Court. A […]

St. Joe’s VBS goes Hawaiian

Students in grades K-5 might have thought they had left the state for St. Joseph’s Catholic Church’s Lava Lava Island Vacation Bible School. Set with an island and luau theme, the VBS offers a week’s worth of games, crafts, sing-alongs and Bible Adventures (plays) on June 21-25. As a reward for completing their daily personal […]

Oakview student honored for scores

Oakview Middle School student James Miller recently participated in the annual statewide HATS OFF awards ceremony, recognizing the top 200 high-achieving middle school students who participate in the Midwest Talent Search or a local talent search process. The ceremony was held May 16 at Michigan State University’s Kellogg Center. Miller was honored for achieving extremely […]

LO Police Log

Monday, July 12, an abandoned auto was spotted on Lake Street. Threats on Orion Road were reported. A cell phone was lost on South Broadway. Road hazard at Atwater/M-24. A Wendy’s Restaurant employee reported a man was passed out in the parking lot on South Broadway. *** Tuesday, July 13, a person at Lapeer/Indianwood was […]

Fire Call

Monday, July 12 1:27 a.m.-A person at a Casemer apartment had a stomach injury. Station #1 responded. 2:22 a.m.-A person on South Broadway had chest pain. Station #1 responded. 10:28 a.m.-Station #1 responded to a person on Devon with abdominal pain. 12:38 p.m.-A person at a construction site at Atwater/Broadway fell off a roof. Station […]

Orion Adventure Camp has the cure for your kids? summertime boredom

The Orion Township Parks and Recreation Department is sponsoring an Orion Adventure Camp, now through Aug. 13. The day camp meets at Friendship Park (corner of Clarkston and Baldwin Roads) Monday-Friday, and is for first-sixth graders. Camp hours are 9 a.m.-4 p.m. every day, with before and after care available. The children take two field […]