If you live off Indian Lake Road, between M-24 and Conklin, you are encouraged to attend an informational meeting and discussion regarding the possible paving and/or options to improve the condition of Indian Lake Rd. The meeting takes place June 28, 7 p.m. at Orion Township Library, 825 Joslyn Road.
Lake Orion Lions Club, in partnership with Children’s Hospital of Michigan, is hosting free vision screening for children ages 1-5 during the Jubilee. LO Lioness Barb Kozma will conduct the screening at the Poppyseed Deli & Coffee on July 2, noon-4 p.m. and on July 3, 1-5 p.m. A special hand held camera is used […]
Members of the Lake Orion Village Council approved on June 14 a request by the owner of Paparazzi Restaurant to transfer the existing Resort C license at 185 South Broadway from Moon Gate to herself. Their recommendation will be forwarded to the Michigan Liquor Control Commission who has final say on approval. The new restaurant […]
Users of utilities in the village who haven’t paid their bill for 30 days or more as of June 1 will be placed on the July 1 tax bill. According to Lake Orion Deputy Clerk Marlene Briggs, there are 99 de1linquent accounts in all for a total of $29,938.
The Lake Orion Lion’s Club Jubilee will be in town beginning June 29 through July 4 (clean-up day). Downtown area village streets will be closed to traffic starting a 6 a.m. on Tuesday for placement of carnival rides. LO Police Chief Jerry Narsh recommends commuters use an alternate route to and from work to avoid […]
Lisa Sokol gives new meaning to the phrase ‘hometown girl.? She was born in Lake Orion, graduated from LOHS in 1971, and will retire this year from Lake Orion Schools as community education director at the Community Educational Resource Center (CERC). Sokol fondly remembers the time she spent at Blanche Sims Elementary School, and Junior […]
For the second year in a row we’re looking for a color photograph to grace our annual Info Book. The photo should be local and with one to three people. Have the photo to us by July 15, 2004. The winning photo will represent the best part of living in these parts. Think fun. Think […]
Ten Years Ago June 22, 1994 ~~~Pastor Tim Patch of Lake Orion Missionary Church speculated intense heat in the attic was the reason the ceiling blew out on June 16. ~~~Twenty two dogs and 19 cats were taken out of a home on South Lapeer Road. Deputies found conditions deplorable with animal feces covering the […]
It’s hard to believe in such a few short years, the Baldwin corridor near I-75 has become a place to avoid. I became wrapped up in the excitement of Great Lakes Crossing, the knocking down of Zim’s Bowling Center and construction of Baldwin Commons, and the Auburn Mile shopping area. No more having to drive […]
An 81 year old resident on South Washington Street in Lake Orion was allegedly assaulted by her son in a incident that took place on June 17 at 10:15 p.m. Her son, James Smith, 47, is currently in Oakland County Jail, held on a $75,000 cash bond. Village police were sent to the residence after […]