Cell Tower Approved

At their June 7 regular meeting, the Addison Township Board of Trustees unanimously approved a site plan from Sprint PCS for the construction of a cell tower in Addison Oaks Park. Sprint originally requested for the tower to be built at a site in Copper Hills Golf Course, but difficulties with permits and several complaints […]

Support the Fireworks!

Plenty ‘Oohing? and ‘Ahhing? is on tap for Lake Orion’s annual Independence Day celebration. The Lake Orion Fireworks Association (LOFA) is hard at work raising funds to put on yet another spectacular fireworks display, slated for 10 p.m. July 3. The Lake Orion Review crew is trying to help this endeavor. Publisher Jim Sherman, Jr. […]

Introducing Joe Young…

Had Joe Young made the cut on the Central Michigan University baseball team, he might have had a career in major league baseball instead of local government. ‘I wanted to play for the (Detroit) Tigers,? said Young, who began his job as the new Oxford Village manager Monday. But despite the strong pitching arm he […]

Who gets to use the pool and when?

Oxford Township Parks and Recreation Director Ron Davis attended the June 8 regular meeting of the Oxford Schools Board of Education to answer one very important question on many voters? minds ? who will get to use the new high school swimming pool and when? Oxford Schools Superintendent Virginia Brennan-Kyro explained that when the district […]

WCSX broadcasts from Kalloway’s

Patron’s of Kalloway’s Restaurant and Pub received a special treat on June 11 as the eatery hosted WCSX 94.7 Classic Rock. WCSX selected Oxford as the week’s ‘City of the Week? and held a broadcast from Kalloway’s. Pictured are (left-right) WCSX promotions representatives Jon Logan and Patrick Karbon, WCSX personality Rhonda Hart, and Kalloway’s representatives […]

Fund balance, reductions balance school budget

The Oxford Schools Board of Education unanimously approved a balanced budget at their June 8 regular meeting. The 2004-2005 general fund budget lists $36,097,595 as the total available for appropriations. Of this amount, $4,305,000 comes from local sources (tax levied, interest earnings, building rentals, etc.); $24,787,391 from state (primarily per student foundation monies and grants); […]

Prop. values up, but officials say Headlee costing district

Despite a significant growth in property values over the past year, officials with Oxford Area Community Schools are still concerned about making ends meet with the property taxes levied each year. Assistant Superintendent Ron Franey reported during the June 8 school board budget hearing that property values for both homestead and non-homestead in the Oxford […]

100 going on 17

A century. That’s ten decades. One hundred years. Just to put things in perspective, 100 years ago, Teddy Roosevelt was in the White House. Fifty-five years later, Hawaii became the 50th state to join the nation. That’s a long time if you ask me. But, if you were to ask Oxford’s own Dorothy Van Horn, […]

Oxford combats West Nile Virus

Oxford Township and Village are taking action to combat the West Nile Virus this summer. The township has contracted the services of the Fenton-based Advanced Pest Management, which has more than 18 years experience conducting municipal pest control programs. The $24,200 contract calls for the weekly spraying of an ‘adulticide? (designed to kill adult mosquitoes) […]

Movin’ On

Administrators, teachers, staff and volunteers worked together this past week to prepare for the final ‘BIG? moment – the point at which Oxford Middle School would become Oxford High School. This past weekend the grand change over to turn OMS into OHS became complete as moving crews transported box after box, furniture and numerous pieces […]