Out with the old and in with the realty office

A demolition crew reduced 110 S. Washington St. to a pile of rubble Tuesday afternoon to make way for a future realty office. The two-story home, located at the intersection of Crawford St. and M-24, was completely levelled. Only the adjoining garage remained standing Wednesday morning. According to Donni Steele ? broker/manager of the Coldwell […]

Clarkston Village

Change of meeting date The City Council will hold its regular meeting on Monday, June 7, 2004, instead of June 14, 2004, at 7:00 in the City Hall, 375 Depot Road. Artemus M. Pappas, Clerk

Clarkston Village

CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF CLARKSTON 375 DEPOT ROAD CLARKSTON MII 48346 SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL MEETING: May 24, 2004 Meeting called to order at 7:07 p.m. by Mayor Catallo followed. Roll. Present: Catallo, Colombo, Meyland, Savage, Werner. Absent: Clifton, Gamble. Minutes of May 10, 2004, accepted as presented. Agenda accepted as presented tabling Revised 2004 […]

Independence Township

Andersonville Sewer Improvement & Special Assessment District PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Date: June 15, 2004 Time: 7:30 p.m. Place: Township Library 6495 Clarkston Road Clarkston, MI The Charter Township of Independence has received petitions from the record owners of more than 50% of the land within a proposed special assessment district requesting the extension and construction […]

Lake Orion Village

PUBLIC NOTICE 2004 swimming classes’green’s park Classes will be held for all swimming skill levels at Green’s Park in Lake Orion beginning Monday June 21, 2004. Registration begins Tuesday, May 11, 2004 at 9:00 a.m. at the Village of Lake Orion Offices, 37 E. Flint Street, Lake Orion, Michigan 48362. Registration forms will be available […]

Lake Orion Village

attention: village tax payers and/or residents Deliquent Utility Accounts All utility accounts (water, sewer or garbage) delinquent 30 days or more as of June 3, 2004 will be added to the July 1, 2004 Village tax roll. In addition, the Village Manager has the authority to shut off the supply of water to any premises. […]

Hands-on program prepares for kindergarten

Summer School has already started for new Lakeville Kindergarten students, even before their first day of classes. Almost 30 new Kindergarten students, along with their parents, got a jump start on May 12, when they attended a workshop at Lakeville Elementary, called ‘Make It and Take It.? The program, created by Kindergarten teacher Renee Green […]

Orion Township Library Board

SYNOPSIS: Meeting May 20, 2004 Present: Frank McIsaac, James J. Abramczyk, John Cirner, Alexis Iveson, Mary Pergeau, Mary Anne Thorndycraft, trustees: Linda Sickles, director. Guests: James Phillips and Colleen Cavanaugh, Roger Hitchcock from Andrews, Hooper and Pavlik President MaryAnne Thorndycraft called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. 1. Meeting began with a 30 minute […]

Lake Orion Schools

NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED 2004-2005 BUDGET PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on June 9, 2004 at 7:00 o’clock P.M. at the Administration Building, Lake Orion, Michigan, the Board of Education of Lake Orion Community School District will hold a public hearing to consider the district’s proposed 2004-2005 budget. The Board may not adopt […]

Orion Township

Notice of Hearing on Square Lake #2 (Algae Control) Improvement Notice is Hereby Given 1. That the Baord of Trustees of the Charter Township of Orion has been requested by petition to begin the process to improve the quality of Square Lake by the control of algae by chemical application. 2. That a preliminary cost […]