Brandon Township 4th safest in state

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer The National Council for Home Safety and Security has put out their rankings for the safest cities in the nation and for each state. Brandon Township is ranked as number four in Michigan. “I’m very proud of the men and women assigned to this sub-station and the department in general,” […]

Local teen races into 2018 NASCAR season

By David Fleet Editor A local driver continues to race toward NASCAR fame. Michael Clancy, Jr., a 15-year-old Brandon High School freshman, recently finished second in the Jegs All Star Tour Championship 2017—the youngest ever finish that high up in the series. Clancy, Jr., along with his father, Michael Clancy, Sr. started racing career at […]

Mixing it up for 54 years

By David Fleet Editor Lewie Main has mixed his last batch of concrete. Main, 74, was honored last week for many years as a driver at Ken’s Redi Mix, 8016 S. State Road, Goodrich. “I tried working for Pontiac Motors,” said Main, a 1961 Goodrich High School graduate. “I lasted about 90 days then the […]

High school experience OK for Vietnam native

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Starting high school can be intimidating—new friends, teachers and a new building. But that challenge is even more amplified when you start high school in a new country. Such is the life of Brandon High School freshman Van Le. Le, a 14-year-old foreign exchange student, is experiencing high school for […]

Meteorite among us

Meteorite among us

Video provided by Goodrich resident Nick Layman By David Fleet Editor It looked like fireworks. Kim Sweeder, a Holly Township resident was driving near Burton on Tuesday evening when she watched a bright ball cross the sky. “There was a high pitched screech,” said Sweeder. “It was a very bright blue and the dark sky […]

‘If not for Leo there would not have been an ‘us.’

By David Fleet Editor (Editor’s note, BHS student Noah Cox contributed to this story). During the very early hours of July 13, 1944, Coolidge Holt and his best friend Leo Flood were trying to get some sleep in the slip trenches they dug in on a battle field in Italy. “They both tossed and turned […]

Italian connection

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer To most, the Italian Mediterranean island of Sardinia would be a vacation— but to Simone Spanu it’s home. Spanu, a 16-year-old Brandon High School sophomore and foreign exchange student from Italy arrived in the United States this past summer. “I just like work around, go to the beach,” said Spanu, […]

GHS one of 35 county buildings with MI HEARTSafe

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer In the event of a cardiac emergency, Goodrich High School is prepared. GHS is one of 369 schools in Michigan, and one of 35 schools in Genesee County, that has been given the MI HEARTSafe designation by the Michigan Departments of Health and Human Services (MDHHS). The MI HEARTSafe designation […]

Centenarian celebrates birthday

By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.- When Audrey Lachenman was born on Dec. 18, 1917—the average wage was 22 cents per hour; it took five days to travel from New York to London and only 8 percent of Americans finished high school. On Monday, friends and family members gathered at Raspberry Manor to celebrate Lachenman’s […]

Clebrating first Christmas in America

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Christmas in America will include plenty of firsts for Brazil native Gabriel Silva Texieira. The Brandon High School foreign exchange student is finding many differences from his South American tropical homeland where temperatures rarely dip much below 68 degrees and the massive Amazon basin dominates the country. The native language […]

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