Groveland Township Voter Guide

Editor’s note:Earlier this month, The Citizen e-mailed questions to candidates in Atlas, Brandon and Groveland townships. Candidates were limited to 30 word responses.Key: Incumbent (I), Republican (R), Democrat (D), No party affiliation (NPA) Groveland Township Supervisor Name: Robert DePalma (R) (I) Age:68 Years in the township:37 years Number of township meetings attended in the last […]

Atlas Township Voter Guide

Editor’s note: Earlier this month, The Citizen e-mailed questions to candidates in Atlas, Brandon and Groveland townships. Candidates were limited to 30 word responses.Key: Incumbent (I), Republican (R), Democrat (D), No party affiliation (NPA) Supervisor choose one Name: Teresa Onica (R) Age: N/A Years in the township? N/A How many meetings have you attended in […]

Township serial attacker arrested

Township serial attacker arrested

By David Fleet Editor On Friday morning Genesee County Sheriff Department announced that a Clarkston man is Atacker charged following a Oct. 7 attack on a woman on the cross country trail located behind Oaktree Elementary School, 7500 Gale Road in Atlas Township. He was also charged in an attack on a woman jogging at Abernathy Park in Davison. Charles Gamble II, of Clarkston, was charged […]

Dixie Highway: A pathway to the past

By David Fleet Editor Raymond Miller is unsure of the historical significance of the intricately laid stone steps that descend to Oak Hill Road in front of his Springfield Township home. “It appears to be a landing where carriages once pulled up in front of the house and passengers could step down without getting into […]

Murder on the mind

The hunt for Ally Brueger’s killer

Murder on the mind

Nikki Brueger with a photo of her daughter Ally Brueger, who was gunned down July 30 just two miles from their Rose Township home. Photo by Susan Bromley. By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Nikki Brueger believes everyone has a special person in life. Her special person, her daughter Ally, has been taken from her— murdered […]

Margaret Lee, Citizen of the Year

Margaret Lee, Citizen of the Year

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer We are proud to honor Margaret Lee, a long-time Brandon Township resident who has dedicated herself to serving those in need in this community for more than two decades, as the 2016 Citizen of the Year. Lee, 73, received numerous nominations from community members who value her service as treasurer […]

9-11 reflections

After 15 years locals recall impact of worst terrorist attacks on U.S. soil

9-11 reflections

Ground Zero about two days after the attack on the World Trade Center. The photo was taken by Brandon Firefighter David Castle.  By David Fleet Editor David Castle recalls the faces of family members. “They were lined up along the streets holding pictures of loved ones,” recalls Castle. “They really had no other way to […]

The Voice on Snapchat eyes local musical artist

Check out Miley's selection on The Voice:

By David Fleet Editor Genavieve Linkowski has never had a voice lesson. But if all goes well on Sept. 19, the 17-year-old Atlas Township resident will receive musical instruction from a few of the best in the entertainment business. In August, NBC announced that fans of the reality competition “The Voice” series could audition for […]

2016 CROP Walk features new route, scavenger hunt

For the 36th year, walkers in Ortonville will help fight hunger both abroad and at home. This year’s annual CROP Walk is set for 1:30 p.m., Sept. 25. CROP (Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty) Walk is a historic walk and one that is celebrated across the nation as communities band together to reduce world hunger. […]

Pork Chop Hill veteran

Pork Chop Hill veteran

At 7 p.m., Sept. 14, the Ortonville Community Historical Society will host a local US Army veteran, Ken Maxwell, 82, a Linden resident, served in the Army during the Korean War as a medic and was injured in the Battle of Pork Chop Hill—flecks of shrapnel are still in his left leg. That shrapnel still […]