Village fund balance higher

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville-Aaron Stevens, a CPA with Maner Costerisan, presented the annual financial statements and auditor’s report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020 at Monday’s village council meeting. The village board voted 6-0 to approve the audit. Councilmember Keith Dylus was absent with notice. According to the audit, the revenues […]

Village council takes aim at park ordinace

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville-During the regular meeting on Sept. 27, the village council approved an amendment to the village ordinances pertaining to parks with a 6-0 vote. Councilmember Keith Dylus was absent with notice. The amended ordinance, 92.05, reads that existing and proposed trail segments will be evaluated based on ADA guidelines as […]

Goodrich operating millage renewal

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich-On Nov. 2, voters in the Goodrich School District will head to the polls to decide on a renewal of the schools operating millage. If approved, the proposal will allow the school district to continue to levy the statutory rate not exceeding 18 mills on all property, except principal residences and […]

Funding, plans for Green Road inches forward

By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.- Funding for a mile section of Green Road on the township Goodrich boarder moved one step closer last month. On Sept. 20 the township board of trustees voted 4-0 to apply for a Michigan Department of Transportation Small Urban grant to provide $385,000 for the partial funding of Green […]

Brandon Distinguished Alumni Wall of Fame

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- At 5 p.m., Oct. 7, three Brandon graduates will be honored with a place on the Ed and Diane Donaldson Distinguished Alumni Wall of Fame at Brandon High School. Fran Moore Hotchkiss, who graduated in 1979, is being honored for distinguished achievement in civil service. Hotchkiss has had […]

Slow ride on the ‘Big Mac’

Slow ride on the ‘Big Mac’

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer For many motorists crossing the five-mile span of the Mackinc Bridge 155-feet above the water is an exciting 10 minute ride. But creeping along on a half century old farm tractor built for plowing fields not massive suspension bridges—the trek becomes rather memorable. Such was the ride on Sept. 11, […]

Atlas Township joins F.A.N.G.

By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.-On Monday night the township board of trustees voted 4-0 to join the Flint Area Narcotics Group. Ann Marie Moore, township treasurer was absent with notice. The 2021-2022 membership dues for the township are $10,581.95 which will now be part of the township police budget. The amount is based on […]

Township takes aim at school vaping

By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.-On Monday night the township board of trustees voted 3-1 to adopt an ordinance making it a civil infraction and providing penalties for the use of vapor products and alternative nicotine products on school property. Ann Marie Moore, township treasurer was absent with notice. The request came from Genesee County […]

Brandon students collecting needed period products

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer In a lifetime, women spend on average over $6,000 on period products. And two Brandon High School juniors wanted to help other women and girls who struggle to afford those monthly necessities. “Me and my friend always saw people at our school asking other people like, ‘do you have a […]